Tourism for me
Involvement in the community, cooperation and networking – impact on the sector

Involvement in the community, cooperation and networking – impact on the sector

How are we involved in the community? With whom do we cooperate, with whom do we want to join forces in order to improve the rights of the people we work for? From 2020 onwards…


  1. This is a turning point for the establishment of the sustainability of the social service provision program at the Friends Daycare Center. A public call for contracting the financing of social services from the relevant ministry is expected, which will ensure the sustainability of the provision of social services that we have been providing since our foundation.
    1. Cooperation with various bodies, organizations and institutions:

    Ministry of Labour, Pension System, Family and Social Policy – Until the end of May 2023, the co-financing of a three-year program in which our partners are: Cooperation with partners on programs – DIP’s youth club – “Friends Daycare Center” (providing social services of half-day stay and psychosocial support ) until May 31st, 2023. Partners: Association of Persons with Intellectual Disabilities Srce, Rijeka, Teaching Institute for Public Health of PGC, Center for Social Welfare, Rijeka, Mediterranean Cypriot Symposium, Labin

    In May 2023, we applied for a new cycle of the three-year program “Friends Daycare Center”, where we plan to improve cooperation with new and “old” partners:

    1. a) new partners: Center for Education and Training, Center for Rehabilitation, Jadran Rowing Club, Primorsko-goranska County and the City of Rijeka. We have cooperated with them until now, but we want to improve this cooperation through a formal partnership.


    1. b) continuation of the “old partnership”: Teaching Institute for Public Health of Primorsko-goranska County, Institute for Social Work.
    2. Primorsko-goranska County, Department for Social Policy and Youth – co-financing of the social services program, “Daycare Center Friends”


    2.1. Primorsko-goranska County, Department for Culture, Technical Culture and Sport – co-financing of the technical culture program to increase digital literacy and safety for persons with disabilities, and co-financing of the Kvarner Colony of author’s comics and illustrations. 3


    1. City of Rijeka – co-financing of the social services program “Friends Daycare Center”, co-financing of the Social Distancing campaign – right to work (small grants), non-financial support for the use of the Kantrida Pool for swimming;
    2. Municipality of Viškovo – consent for the use of land for the purposes of implementing work-occupational activities

    Office of the Ombudsperson for Persons with Disabilities, Rijeka Regional Office

    1. Institutions in the field of social welfare, education, etc.:
    2. Community support center Izvor, Selce, inclusion in the network of service providers, work with their users (inclusion in our programs);
    3. Center for upbringing and education, presentation of programs, cooperation to facilitate the transition of students from the educational system to the world of adults, work, etc.
    4. Faculty of Philosophy Rijeka, University of Rijeka: professional base for student practice
    5. Polytechnic in Rijeka: cooperation on programs of socially useful learning (creating a student’s final thesis on the topic of creating an application for the needs of administrative management of various activities and tasks, creating tasks for students for various studies)


    1. Faculty of Education and Rehabilitation, Zagreb, inclusion of students in field classes, professional practice, inclusion in conferences and professional gatherings, inclusion in research, recommendations, etc.

    Our cooperation on the implementation of professional practice has been extended to other European countries, so we have signed agreements on cooperation on the implementation of professional practice:

6. Italy – University of Padova –

7. The Netherlands – Dutch school Horizon College – The accreditation applies to the vocational programs:

8. Amygdala Center – school of propaedeutics of psychotherapy – agreement on the implementation of professional practice for participants –

9. People’s Open University Poreč, holder of the project EDUKOSI.TURIZAM – EDUCATION OF PERSONS WITH DISABILITIES FOR JOBS IN TOURISM, which is financed from the European Social Fund in the financial period 2014 – 2020 within the framework of call UP. Improving access of vulnerable groups to the labor market in the tourism and hospitality sector II. The holder of the project is the Poreč Public Open University, and the partners are the Dante Adult Education Institution, Rijeka, the Society for Invalids Poreč and Mini Karavan Servis d.o.o., Poreč.


  1. Institution for adult education, Dante, partnership on the R(AE)L INCLUSON project, on the ERASMUS+ program, KA220, deadline 3/23/2022,
  2. Art cinema, free cinema shows for users,
  3. Partners from the EU on the implementation of the R(AE)L INCLUSON project, on the ERASMUS+ program, KA220, of which we are the coordinators (carriers): (with Dante from HR)

Association Euni Partners, Blagoevgrad, Bulgaria

DOMSPAIN SLU, Reus, Spain,


edEUcation SAS, Les Contamines Montjoie, France,


  1. KBC, Department of Social Work, KBC, Pediatric Clinic, etc.
  2. Center for rehabilitation
  3. Center for professional rehabilitation
  4. Cooperation with associations and other organizations of civil society:
  5. Association of disabled people, Poreč, partner in the project EDUKOSI.TURIZAM – EDUCATION OF PERSONS WITH DISABILITIES FOR JOBS IN TOURISM, ESF;


  1. Center for Inclusive Work Activities, Zagreb – collaborators on the Active for Inclusion project, participation of users and the program team at meetings, a network of associations, education…


  1. Center for Inclusion and Support in the Community, Pula – collaborators on the project financed by the European Social Fund Together through life, support for the maintenance of self-representative groups, support groups for parents, public presentation, organization of a round table,


  1. Association for resocialization of persons with addiction to opioids, Vida – collaborators on projects to improve social services for people with difficulties in psychosocial functioning


5, Chamber of Crafts of the Primorsko-goranska County – support for employment and sensitization of employers for the work and employment of PWDs (campaign Distanced Socially – exhibit “I want to work!”)

6. Chamber of Commerce of the Primorsko-goranska County – also, the media

  1. Cooperation with the private sector:
  3. JTH Costabella Hotel Hilton: – work activities – permitted economic activity – production of felt wool balls
  4. Jadran Galen laboratory: work activities – donation and business cooperation
  5. B.M. Plast d.o.o. and Ploycarbon: work activities – permitted economic activity, assembling caps
  6. DIP lab d.o.o.: work activities


  1. Donations from the private sector (companies), citizens

Donations from citizens: volunteer Danijela Ćuk, proceeds from the sale of the poetry collection Pozitivom do života


Previously achieved collaborations continue and new collaborations are being realized with various stakeholders:

Cooperation with partners on programs – DIP’s Youth Club – Daycare Center Friends (provision of half-day social services and psychosocial support)

  1. Association of people with intellectual difficulties, Srce, Rijeka
  2. Teaching Institute for Public Health PGC
  3. Center for Social Welfare, Rijeka

4th Mediterranean Sculpture Symposium, Labin

  1. Cooperation with various bodies, organizations and institutions:
  2. a) ministries, LGUs, etc.
  3. Ministry of Labour, Pension System, Family and Social Policy, donors
  4. Primorsko-goranska County – preparation of the Youth Program, donors
  5. Municipality of Viškovo – consent for the use of land for the needs of the implementation of work-occupational activities
  6. Town of Kastav – donations collected at the humanitarian celebration of the Last Full Moon.
  7. City of Rijeka, donation for the program and small grants for the campaign, non-financial support for the use of the swimming pool without payment
  8. Police Department of the Primorsko-goranska County – donation, collected funds for the renovation of the kitchen
  9. Office of the Ombudsperson for Persons with Disabilities, Rijeka Regional Office

b) institutions from the field of social welfare, education, etc.:

  1. Faculty of Philosophy Rijeka, University of Rijeka:

– professional base for student practice (from 1 to 3 2022, 46 students participate in volunteer activities for socially useful learning, practice, etc.);

– participation in the Perpetum Agile project: presentation, DIP – employees held training for employers on the professional practice plan and providing feedback to students on professional practice (over 40 students were on professional practice at the DIP during 2022.)

13. Polytechnic in Rijeka: cooperation on programs of socially useful learning (creating a student’s final paper on the topic of creating an application for the needs of administrative management of various activities and tasks, creating tasks for students for various studies)

14. Faculty of Education and Rehabilitation, Zagreb, inclusion of students in field classes, professional practice, inclusion in conferences and professional gatherings, inclusion in research, recommendations, etc.

Our cooperation on the implementation of professional practice has been extended to other European countries, so we have signed agreements on cooperation on the implementation of professional practice:


15. Italy – Universita degli studi di Padova –

16. The Netherlands – Dutch school Horizon College – The accreditation applies to the vocational programs:

Social worker (level 4)

Personal care provider specific target groups (level 4).

17. Community support center Izvor, Selce, inclusion in the network of service providers, work with their users (inclusion in our programs);

18. Center for upbringing and education, presentation of programs, cooperation to facilitate the transition of students from the educational system to the world of adults, work, etc.

19. Elementary school St. Matej, Viškovo, cooperation on joint activities and programs for school students, e.g. Student cooperative, etc.

20. Amygdala Center – school of propaedeutics of psychotherapy – agreement on the implementation of professional practice for participants –

21. People’s Open University Poreč, holder of the project EDUKOSI.TURIZAM – EDUCATION OF PERSONS WITH DISABILITIES FOR JOBS IN TOURISM, which is financed from the European Social Fund in the financial period 2014 – 2020 within the framework of call UP. Improving access of vulnerable groups to the labor market in the tourism and hospitality sector II. The holder of the project is the Poreč Public Open University, and the partners are the Dante Adult Education Institution, Rijeka, the Society for the Disabled, Poreč and Mini Karavan Servis d.o.o., Poreč.

22. Dante Adult Education Institution, partnership on the R(AE)L INCLUSON project, on the ERASMUS+ program, KA220, deadline March 23rd, 2022,

23. Art cinema, free cinema shows for beneficiaries,

24. University of Rijeka, Student Cultural Center, SKC Gallery, display of the exhibition of drawings by authors and authors of the participants of the first Kvarner colony of authors’ comics and illustrations link

25. KBC, Department of Social Work, KBC, Pediatric Clinic, etc.

26. Center for rehabilitation

  1. Center for professional rehabilitation
  2. HEP Light on the way – donation for the program

Partners from the EU on the implementation of the R(AE)L INCLUSON project, on the ERASMUS+ program, KA220 of which we are the coordinators (carriers): (with Dante from HR)

  1. Association Euni Partners, Blagoevgrad, Bulgaria
  2. DOMSPAIN SLU, Reus, Spain,
  4. edEUcation SAS, Les Contamines Montjoie, France,
  5. c) cooperation with associations and other organizations of civil society:
  6. Association of disabled people Poreč, partner in the EDUKOSI.TURIZAM project – EDUCATION OF DISABLED PERSONS FOR JOBS IN TOURISM, ESF;


  1. Center for inclusive work activities, Zagreb – collaborators on the Active for inclusion project, participation of users and the program team at meetings, network of associations, education…
  2. Center for Inclusion and Support in the Community, Pula – collaborators on the project financed by the European Social Fund Together through Life, support for the maintenance of self-representative groups, support groups for parents, public presentation, organization of a round table,
  3. Association for resocialization of addicts Vida – collaborators on projects to improve social services for people with difficulties in psychosocial functioning
  4. Chamber of Crafts of the Primorje-goranska County – support for employment and sensitization of employers for the work and employment of PWDs (Social Distancing campaign – exhibition I want to work!)
  5. Chamber of Commerce of Primorsko-goranska County – same
  6. media
  7. d) cooperation with the private sector:
  8. Mali Karavan, d.o.o. – ground floor for the project from ESF, EDUKOSI.TURIZAM – EDUCATION OF PERSONS WITH DISABILITIES FOR JOBS IN TOURISM
  9. JTH Costabella Hotel Hilton – permitted economic activity – production of felt wool decorative balls
  10. Jadran galenski laboratorij – donation and business cooperation
  11. OTP banka – donation for the implementation of the program (10,000 kn)
  12. Donations from the private sector (companies), citizens
  13. Donations from citizens: volunteer Danijela Ćuk, proceeds from the sale of the poetry collection Pozitivom do života
  14. e) cooperation with numerous experts


November and December of 2021:

Previously achieved collaborations with key stakeholders from the local/regional community continue and new collaborations are established:

Education on inclusive volunteering held by the Center for Inclusive Work Activities. The activity took place as part of the Active for Inclusion project financed by ACF:

Faculty of Education and Rehabilitation and the Center for Missing and Abused Children – DIP’s psychologists at the expert meeting on Half-day stay programs – potential and challenges in the organization -half-day-stays/

Promotion of the Register of Youth and Youth Associations of the City of Rijeka:

Award of PGŽ and SMART Association – DIP organizer of volunteering, DIP volunteer Sandra Zgodić received the Volunteer of the Year award, and volunteer Katarina Erak was commended:

Cooperation with the Municipality of Kostrena – Nordic walking – new cycle:

Good wishes Christmas decorations – a humanitarian action carried out by students gathered in the Association of Biotechnology Students, for years, in cooperation with the City of Rijeka.

Training of volunteers to work in the DIP’s youth club:

We joined the network Active for Inclusion, with other organizations that advocate work and employment of persons with disabilities, which was started by CIRA (Center for Inclusive Work Activities): -network-active-for-inclusion/

Cooperation with the Polytechnic in Rijeka on the VELERI IMPACT LAB project has begun – professional practice and projects through social entrepreneurship.: -practice-and-projects-through-social-entrepreneurship/


June – October of 2021

Previously achieved collaborations with key stakeholders from the local/regional community continue and new collaborations are established:

  1. Collaboration with the National University – institution for education and culture in Rijeka (application to ESF, Improvement of access of vulnerable groups to the labor market in the tourism and hospitality sector II.UP. and with Poreč Public Open University for the same competition – as partners
  2. In partnership with the Heart Association, we applied to the ESF competition “Strengthening the capacity of civil society organizations to respond to the needs of the local community”, in which we passed the first stage. – we are waiting for the results
  3. Municipality of Kostrena – Hodaj i ti, cooperation on the project, funding from the field of disease prevention, another activity in October.
  4. We also cooperated with the Academy of Applied Arts in Rijeka and the University Student Center (SKC gallery) on the project Socially distanced – photographing young people with disabilities in the public space of the city of Rijeka and a photo exhibition, opened on July 6th about-exhibition-distanced-social/
  5. Negotiations with the Festival Opatija institution to set up an exhibition of works from the Kvarner Colony of author comics and illustrations and the continuation of the colony in 2021 – promotion of the catalog of works from the exhibition on July 12th .
  6. continuation of cooperation with the Faculty of Philosophy, students on professional practice and the course “learning by engaging in the community” – Students in the community
  7. Entry into the YUFE network, a young university in the EU, in the database of organizations where EU students can study – enroll in a course for 3 ECTS,
  8. cooperation with the City of Rijeka, financing of the Socially distant project, exhibition, July 6th campaign
  9. cooperation with PGŽ – county office Hodaj i ti
  10. communication with the public and advocacy: the website is regularly maintained in Croatian, and most of the content is translated into English: and
  11. cooperation with the Teaching Institute for Public Health PGŽ – project partners, participation in Movement Week; and International Oral Health Day (activities in the Park)
  12. cooperation with the Community Support Center Izvor, Selce, inclusion in the network of service providers, work with their users (inclusion in our programs); signed cooperation agreement
  13. Cooperation on the implementation of volunteer programs of the Association for the Development of Civil Society SMART – cooperation on the Croatia Volunteers 2021 event.
  14. With the support of the Primorsko-goranska County, cooperation with the Polytechnic in Rijeka began, on the VELERI IMPACT LAB project – professional practice and projects through social entrepreneurship. Agreements on solving real needs in the community, and applying knowledge and skills, began at the end of October. From arranging our tables, to networking and a new business plan for a social entrepreneurship project. We can’t wait for young people and their new ideas.


Portal about school and educational organizations:

January – May 2021

Cooperation with Srce continues, whose members our mobile team provides psychosocial support / from the three-year program, DIP’s youth club.

We have established a great cooperation with the association SMART,  for the implementation of the “service learning” project, learning through commitment in the community, through which our mentor provided support to student volunteers, for their project for us: DIP GREEN in the Viškovo garden.

We have completed and submitted for the first reading to the Primorsko-goranska County and the PGC Youth Council – the draft of the Youth Program, so we are waiting for their comments so that the Program can be sent to a public consultation with the interested public.

We submitted community inclusion projects to 10 tenders for funding: the City of Kastav, the Municipality of Viškovo, the Municipality of Kostrena, the City of Rijeka, PGC, INA, etc. By May, we received support from the City of Rijeka, for the project of visibility and public awareness Social distancing, in cooperation with students Academy of Applied Arts for the exhibition of photographs, from the Municipality of Kostrena for the project of Nordic walking with citizens Hodaj i ti!, from PGŽ for our program of work-occupational activities; Preparation, attention, I’m working!

We cooperate with the University of Rijeka, so we are mentors for students on the courses Students and community 1 and 2, with the Department of Pedagogy, from which students come to us for the professional practice course Practical work 1 and 2. We also cooperate with the Academy of Applied Arts, from which we students and volunteers come, who have an obligation from the course, so the project of photographing our DIP members and their stories was born, and we will display the works at the exhibition in June. We also presented our work at the Department of Psychology (all years), from which volunteers and students enrolling in the Students and Community course come to us.

We continued our excellent cooperation with the Municipality of Viškovo, on the project financed from the ESF fund, Prevention to Health, for which we recorded a video about Nordic walking, which was recorded by our volunteers Katarina and Mirko, and our DIP members participated. From prevention to health – Nordic walking as part of Health Week in Viškovo, in October, 2020, and now a continuation

Excellent cooperation with the Teaching Institute for Public Health PGŽ, through the creation of the Youth Program PGC, but also other community involvement activities: Movement Week, 10.5.2021. – Nordic walking in Mlaka park


October – December 2020.

We submitted a project proposal to the ESF through Prevention to Health, phase 2, a project to prevent mental illnesses among young people. We are waiting for the results.

They gave us support and we cooperated with: Lions club Korzo, which donated used computers for our users and financial resources, and many craftsmen and citizens who participated in our actions. Special mention goes to Marko Malić, who gathered air conditioning system installers, who collected 6 air conditioners for us and installed them, and RI klima, who entrusted us with the work of two of their installers. We reported and asked for support for the adaptation of sanitary facilities, in order to obtain a license from the competent Ministry, the City of Rijeka, for which we also received support, and for the implementation of the Kvarner Colony of Authors’ Comics and Illustrations from the City of Opatija, for which we also received support.

Since October 2020, we have been working on the creation of the Youth Program of the Primorsko-goranska County, a strategic document that will result in better public policies for youth at the level of PGC. Through the creation of the Program, according to an already proven methodology, we closely cooperate with several key stakeholders at different levels and with different methods:

a) At the level of local and regional self-government units, we closely cooperate and have established contacts in order to obtain data on young people and motivate these key stakeholders to actively participate in the creation of this document: delivery of data on investments for young people at the level of LGUs and PGŽ in order to create a “budget for young people”; informing about the creation of the program, invitations to participate in informative meetings and public forums; motivating young people from LGUs for active participation in decision-making, encouraging officials and decision-makers to actively participate in change. We contacted all cities and municipalities in PGŽ, we established cooperation with a small part of LGUs, but we contacted all LGUs several times.

b) at the level of state institutions: Centers for social welfare – all branches in PGC: delivery of data on young people who receive, or are from families that receive benefits and assistance and social services; we have established cooperation and contacts with all branches.

c) at the regional level: Teaching Institute for Public Health of PGC – delivery of data on youth morbidity and other data from the jurisdiction (youth health care; University of Rijeka: data on development, number of young students from PGC, quality improvement and results, and especially the Counseling Center University of Rijeka (data on the number of services and users and guidelines and recommendations for young people); all secondary schools, all student unions (information and inquiries); we established over 50 contacts with different stakeholders from this level.

d) at the level of civil society/civil society organization: analysis of the capacity of associations for the implementation and implementation of youth programs; active participation in public forums, discussions on development directions: in total, we established cooperation and contacted over 150 associations, and we deeply analyzed all 4005 active associations in the area of PGC, in order to assess their capacity as key stakeholders

e) youth and organized forms of youth activity: we cooperated excellently with the youth council of PGC and regularly informed them, held consultations on all development directions, and over 50 young people participated in various activities.

Announcement and implementation of the exhibition from the 1st Kvarner colony of author comics and illustrations – preparations have begun for the 1st Kvarner colony of author comics and illustrations, which was made possible by the Primorje-Gorski Kotar County ( In progress of preparation until 10.10.2020. we have entered into a great cooperation with numerous collaborators, who give us support for this challenging event that we are organizing for the first time, and it is a long-standing idea and wish of our Damir Steinfl, who runs comics workshops for children in our DIP “Create new stuff!”. There is Barbara Babačić from Exportdrvo, a place where more and more events are taking place in the new, reprogrammed Rijeka 2020 EPK program ( We hope for other actors of this special event, which starts with the opening of the exhibition of comic book authors and illustrations on November 6, 2020 and lasts from November 9. at the colony – comics workshops at the DIP. The exhibition will last until December 1, 2020. in Exportdrvo, which is open from 11 a.m. to 9 p.m. The exhibition lasted until December 24th, and was visited by about 500 visitors.

We received great news from the National Foundation for the Development of Civil Society, that our institutional support will continue for 2021.

We are waiting for the results of the application to ESF, Find Me, and our application has passed the administrative check, so we are moving on to the evaluation of the committee.

September 2020

September was spent cleaning up and repairing the furniture that we had moved, and our members helped us with that. Namely, everything fell apart, so we had to repair or throw everything away. Our citizens did not really help us in this, although we constantly asked for help. We are very sad about that. Volunteers, get in touch!

We connected even more with the Heart, as their Nives say, we are a family and that’s how it should be. We don’t know why other associations are not like that. We can do much more together!

In addition, we connected with our colleagues from Istria, so we participated in the great project Zajedno kroz život (  implemented by the Center for Inclusion in the Community ( ) and we spent 4 great days in Medulin, on a study trip. More in the news:

We took part in the Croatian Volunteers event, which is very important to us, and we recorded a video in accordance with the measures. We also had two open days for citizens – future volunteers, but still there are no volunteers ( .

We have finally completed the Strategy for cultural and touristic valorization of the Dubrova Sculpture Park, which was a great project for us that we implemented with numerous key stakeholders and had great support from the City of Labin ( -sculpture-of-dubrov/.

August 2020

  1. We are working on mobilizing the community to collect funds for makeup, volunteers who would help us makeup, clean, move. For this purpose, we also launched a communication campaign, so we:

– invited citizens to donate vans and the like, and to volunteer on our Facebook pages

– opened an “event” to attract volunteers: “Volunteer action of moving to Wenzelova”

– were guests in the show “Planet” on local TV – Kanal RI, 7/8/2020.

– promoted our activities and attracted volunteers to the Zeleni Kastav fair

– met the great business owner and his employees who always help wherever they arrive, Dževad Osojkić ( ) who helped us organize the painting of over 1000 m of space (that’s 224 m2), which means that we finally moved into our new space.

We also met great missionaries from the USA, who here in Rijeka, and throughout Croatia, help people who need it. The friends of our dear friend, now unfortunately deceased, Andrea, came to our aid, thank you, Mirna!

  1. We submitted project proposals for financing from EU funds/ESF Find me! for NEETs:

– in partnership with the association for resocialization of addicts Vida, we registered their project for NEET from their target group.

– with the Mediterranean Sculpture Symposium – Dubrova Sculpture Park (  and with the Association of Persons with Disabilities Heart (,  and institutions that are also key stakeholders in the development program for improving the lives of our citizens, the Training Institute for Public Health PGŽ (  and the Center for Social Care Rijeka (  also gave us support, for project application for funding from the ESF program Find Me! for NEETs. Keep your fingers crossed…

– we also tried other public calls, such as ACF Croatia for large projects, but we did not succeed.

A difficult month, with no space, with a lot of administration and work from home and outside with our members, a lot of painting, moving, a lot of uncertainty and risk, but the results will come!

All the time, our psychologists, Karmen and Bernard, were preparing a work model and protocols for working with our members and their families, as well as members of the Srce and their families; a lot of phone calls and a lot of negotiating.

July 2020

After preparations for the tender for the lease of the City of Rijeka space, we finally auctioned the best and most suitable space currently available. 9/7/2020 we have finally finished the bidding process, and on 7/17/2020. we got a space at Wenzelova 2 for lease, and got a lease agreement. The face painting follows, so we sought support through intensive networking and reached Mr. Dževad Osojkić.  This great man and his team donated their work and help organizing the makeover of our new home, a 224m2 space owned by the city that we leased for 10 years. It is this example of socially responsible business that gives us new momentum and optimism for a better Croatia.

We are finishing the great project of creating the “Strategy of cultural and touristic valorization of the Dubrova Sculpture Park, in cooperation with the City of Labin, and for the project “RECOLOR – Reviving and Enhancing artworks and Landscapes of the Adriatic / Reviving and Enhancing artworks and Landscapes of the Adriatic” co-financed by the European Union from the European Fund for Regional Development, as part of the cross-border cooperation program INTERREG V-A Italy – Croatia 2014-2020.

The creation of the Strategy began at the beginning of January 2020, and in the meantime we also created the “Branding strategy of the Dubrova Sculpture Park and the Mediterranean Sculpture Symposium” as an integral part of this Strategy, an initial step towards development programs and a prerequisite for the start of the implementation of the Strategy itself. Cooperation with the City of Labin has been going on since our establishment, and until now we have participated in several projects financed from EU funds in which the City of Labin  was a partner, and in other projects in which the City was the holder, and we professional associate. This cooperation on the project showed that the public administration can be flexible and in accordance with the real situation, because we had the opportunity to jointly reprogram activities in accordance with the measures to protect against the spread of the COVID-19 pandemic, which resulted in an extension of the deadline, but also successfully completed tasks. Thank you Ana Černjul for the excellent cooperation. The city of Labin can be placed among the rare cities that have an ear and really want to support all those who work for the welfare of the community, and give support to the development of resources that need to be given development support. On the creation of the Strategy, we also collaborated excellently with the County of Istria,  which is also our “old” collaborator from the creation of the “Regional Program for the Youth of the County of Istria” https://   , which we also proudly created.

We would especially like to emphasize the cooperation with Mr. Torbica, who is the head of the Board of Directors for culture and nativeness of IC, and who is also a great connoisseur and expert in the field of Istrian culture and heritage, so his participation greatly contributed to the creation of this Strategy. Collaborators in the preparation were the Tourist Board of the Town of Labin TZ Sveta Nedelja, the Administrative Department for Sustainable Development of the IC, the Administrative Department of Tourism IŽ and others. Also, through the creation of this Strategy we had the opportunity to work excellently with the enthusiastic and tireless members of the association “Mediterranean Cypriot Symposium ”. They were given the management of the Dubrova Sculpture Park precisely because the members of this association, artists and other enthusiasts designed and realized this unique open-air park/museum. We are proud to have had the opportunity to create this Strategy. The planned deadline for printing the bilingual publication is mid-August, so the promotion of this important document for the preservation and development of the Dubrova Sculpture Park is expected, as well as the initiation of procedures for the protection of cultural property and the development of cultural tourism in this area.

Of course, this month we are also cooperating with the initiative, and now the association, “Green Kastav”, which organizes a fair of healthy food and products, which we attend twice a month. Thanks to their enthusiasm, we have the opportunity to participate in the fair and in this way increase the visibility of our members, make personal contacts with citizens, advocate the rights of the young people for whom we work, exhibit products that are created during our work-occupational activities, but also collect donations for our work. Citizens who donate HRK 5, 10, 20 or 30 or more at the fair will receive one of our products as a gift. The coordinator of the fair makes great efforts to promote our work, so on Fridays before the fair, in the show “Zdravko i Živko”, on Radio Kastav,  she also hears about our members, and the volunteers of the fair refer to all visitors to our stand. Thank you to all the volunteers of Zeleni Kastav for making us feel at home. The logo of Zeleni Kastav was made by our Nela Bralić, as part of a joint project of sewing eco yellow bags with a print of the logo of Zeleni Kastav and DIP, which we also donated to citizens in return for their donations of 40 and 50 kunas.

June 2020

Intensive cooperation with the City of Rijeka is primarily for the purpose of renting space for the work of the DIP, but also for emergencies – temporary storage of furniture, equipment and archives from our DIP. We were given a temporary space for rent until the bidding for the new space. Thank you to everyone who helped us with the move and the big volunteer campaign – Danijela from Krk for the van, Petra for the van, all the volunteers…

The effect of the preparation for the application of the 3-year program to the competition of the Ministry of Demography, Family, Youth and Social Policy is the additional bringing together of 2 associations that deal with a very similar population – DIP with young people with disabilities, and Srce, Rijeka, with those over 35 years old with intellectual disabilities. who also have other difficulties, as well as young people from the DIP. In addition to launching a network of associations and individuals and initiatives to improve social services and raise the quality of life and status of our priority groups, we are already implementing joint projects. DIP, partner of the project holder “Mediterranean Cypriot Symposium” together with the Dragozid association, on the “Building a Park” project, which is financed by the Foundation for Fostering Partnerships and Development of Civil Society. Istra invited members of Srce to participate in the project. A total of 28 people from DIP and 14 people from Srce took part in all-day work-occupational activities (stacking stones for a wall, building drywall, cleaning branches, collecting garbage) in Dubrova Sculpture Park. More in News by clicking on the link

May 2020

May is spent looking for space, meetings with partners – we submitted a three-year program to the tender of the Ministry of Demography (we applied in partnership). Likewise, in partnership with Srce, we also submitted a project for the public call for ACF Croatia.

April 2020

April continues for us in a #stayhome state, but we still applied for joint programs with our partners at the public invitation of the relevant ministry and we are writing and preparing project applications and participating in informative workshops for 2 competitions, ACF Croatia and An idea challenge for Civic Europe! No rest!

to the public invitation of the Ministry of Demography, we applied in partnership with the Center for Social Welfare, the Teaching Institute for Public Health of the Primorsko-goranska County and the Association of Persons with Intellectual Disabilities Srce, Rijeka! Thanks to all colleagues for their understanding and support!

Lions Club Korzo Rijeka made Easter the happiest with the news that they collected donations for our work and thus gave us support in these difficult times! We can be involved in the community and do good at any time, nothing can stop us from doing so, not even this #stayhome situation, and our new friends from Lions Club Korzo Rijeka showed us that! Thank you from the bottom of my heart!

March 2020

We spend March in cooperation with:

  1. Croatian Nordic Association

(  because we instructed our oldest walker to pass the exam for the leader of Nordic walking according to the INWA (International Nordic Walking Federation) program recognized all over the world. Why? Because everyone wants to learn to walk, and we want to be the ones who, together with our young people for whom we work, will teach others and thus create a happy and healthy community!

International Nordic Walking Federation (INWA)

  1. Compost and context ( and PERMACULTURAL DESIGN COURSE (PDC) – Rijeka, February/March 2020, is being held for the second time in our DIP. Why? Because already at the time of our foundation, we decided to promote sustainable development, so in our garden activities and other ecological areas, we also apply the best principles of relation to “land and people”. In the first PKD course of 2019, our MA in ecological agriculture, Ivana, participated, so that she could apply her knowledge to the design of the garden in the municipality of Viškovo, where work-occupational activities are carried out, and we also got a handful of new friends, course participants, like Boris who gave us his trimmer, Klelija who donated funds to repair the sewing machines on which our young people sew fragrant lavender bags and silly gnomes, but also educators, Cvijeta, Gordan and Nenad. This year, former participants, Ivana and Mladen, will join them on the course as educators.

The program is spread over four extended weekends, on Fridays from 5:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. and on Saturdays and Sundays from 9:30 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. (including lunch breaks), with possible minimal changes in the daily schedule.

  • 21.-23.2.2020. • 28.2. – 1.3.2020. weekend breaks — • 13. – 15.3.2020.– weekend breaks — • 27. – 29.3.2020 The course has been held since the last term when the evil virus interrupted the maintenance but see you soon.

  1. Primorsko-goranska County: we signed an agreement on the co-financing of the work-occupation program “Prepare, watch, work” which we submitted to a tender for financing projects and programs implemented by associations for the common good from the budget of PGŽ, the Board of Social Policy and Youth .

Thank you to PGŽ for accepting that the needs for the implementation of this program are real and objective, that there is a group that cannot do without this support and that this is an innovative model/social innovation in our region, with which we prevent social exclusion and enable the right to inclusion in community and to the work of our young people for whom we work!

  1. Municipality of Viškovo: we started cooperation on the project financed by EU funds “Prevention of smoking”, and our role will be to organize a promotional course of Nordic walking for the public in order to promote recreational activities as a protective factor in the prevention of smoking. Thank you for your trust and we look forward to the activities!


February 2020

February is spent in activities encouraging cross-sector cooperation and networking with organizations that deal with the issue of youth and people with disabilities, in joint projects, round tables, etc.


We have established cooperation with:

  1. Teaching Institute for Public Health of the Primorsko-goranska County, with the Department of Social Medicine and
  2. Association of people with intellectual disabilities Srce
  3. By the Department for Sport and Technical Culture of the City of Rijeka in order to recognize and valorize our inclusive volunteering at events of the City such as “Homo si teć!”, where we are promoting inclusive volunteering for the fourth year, and to establish cooperation on programs of recreational sports and physical activities for the general public and special groups, in order to increase social inclusion.
  4. The Property Management Department of the City of Rijeka, in order to find new opportunities for cooperation in finding a suitable space for the association’s activities and to expand our activities, thus providing better social services!

It was agreed that NZZKZ PGŽ will include us in its activities, and with the association Srce we will exchange experiences and knowledge from the field of activity, with the aim of improving the social service of half-day stays and psychosocial support for people who need support, especially from our priority group.


In addition, NZJZPGŽ will be involved in our communication campaign by conducting informative workshops in the field of health, in accordance with the needs of our members. These activities are preparatory activities for the implementation of the campaign to shape the employment model for people with disabilities and those who need support, with support at work or support of assistants for people with disabilities at work (work assistants or instructors).


January 2020

In January, we started cooperation with Loins Club Korzo Rijeka, and we thank them for the opportunity to introduce ourselves.



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  • Wenzelova 2/1
  • Rijeka, Croatia
  • OIB: 78171364712
  • MB: 4152115
  • Bank account: ERSTE & ST. BANK
  • IBAN: HR68 2402 0061 1011 8082 8