Tourism for me
Donate and adopt

Donate and adopt

By adopting our decorative and useful objects, you participate in the implementation of our programs for young people with developmental difficulties and difficulties in psychosocial functioning. We will, therefore, give you one or more items that we made ourselves.

Work-occupational program „Ready, set, work!“ prepares young people with developmental difficulties and difficulties in psychosocial functioning for work in several ways:

  1. Inclusive volunteering: for example, our young people volunteer in recreational-humanitarian event „Homo si teć!“
  2. In controlled conditions, in our center for work-occupational activities – in our DIP, and elsewhere.
  3. In the open labor market.

To ensure the continuity of work, the most important precondition is for our members to adopt the skills necessary to engage in simple work processes, and to achieve this, we must implement activities every day. Our first and foremost goal is to satisfy the conditions for the recognition of official status (and financing that comes along with it) of social service providers, and also, the providers of a social service of a half-day stay and psychosocial support, and, later on, to achieve the provision of housing for our DIP members. Our products made during our work-occupational activities are proof of the progress they are making, but also of the involvement of DIP members in decision-making process (planning, implementation and development). That entails the active participation of DIP members in creating programs – because they take part in deciding what and how we will do – so with our continued professional support, they are progressing more and more every day.

Help us by donating to our work, and we will give you some of our products that were made during our work-occupational activities. You can „adopt“ 1, 2 or more of the same or different products, donate to us at least the stated amount for each of them or more, according to your own capabilities.

Below you can see 2D bar codes to pay for donations that you can scan through the mobile banking app. In the in-app menu, find the option ‘scan the payment card’ / ‘scan and pay’ / ‘scan 2D bar code’ / ‘picture and pay’ etc. The application will fill all the fields for you. “DIP-ovci” are grateful for each and every donation! 🙂

20 kn Donation:

25 kn Donation:

30 kn Donation:

50 kn Donation:

100 kn Donation:

Donation according to your own capabilities:


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Naruči i doniraj
  • Društvo za istraživanje i potporu je korisnik institucionalne podrške Nacionalne zaklade za razvoj civilnoga društva za stabilizaciju i/ili razvoj udruge.