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Round table “Social while physically distanced” June 7th, 2022, recommendations and materials for the preparation of the Alternative Report

Round table “Social while physically distanced” June 7th, 2022, recommendations and materials for the preparation of the Alternative Report

  • 23.06.2022

Social while physically distant – advocating the rights of PWDs, the people we work for!

Thank you @Radio Kastav for devoting the entire show Bez dlake na jeziku to this topic. We were their guests after the round table, in order to recapitulate the messages sent to the public. You can listen to the show at: view

We would like to thank everyone who participated and made an active contribution to the goals of this round table and the campaign, which we are conducting for the people for whom we work. We would also like to thank our hosts, Dom Kantrida, for being such wonderful hosts; the Council for Social Welfare of the Primorsko-goranska County, the guests from Istria (the president of the Committee of Associations of Persons with Intellectual Disabilities and the Center for Inclusion and Community Services, Pula) and the entire Administrative Department for Social Policy and Youth of Primorsko-goranska County, who give us their support.

The link for the membership form in the informal network LIC (Life in the community) is here:

Attached are the materials / documents that the participants received in paper form, the presentation according to which the discussion was conducted and a recapitulation of the previous discussions and research. The preparation of the Alternative Report continues, so expect a new call in September.

Please, if you have suggestions on how to solve a particular challenge, we are facing in the field of providing social services, kindly send them to us. All recommendations are subject to improvement and new proposals.

Likewise, if you want to continue actively participating in improving the availability and quality of social services, and 23 providers expressed their interest in the questionnaire to do just that and to actively work in the informal network of social service providers, please fill out the membership application form. Before that, analyze the proposals for the obligations and rights of the members in this informal initiative, so that they are as efficient and effective as possible in the implementation of the goals.

The link for the membership form in the informal network LIC is here:


We are available for all your questions and constructive suggestions.

Program team:

Marta Berčić
Bernard Šešo
Karmen Vučetić
Silvia Marković

Rekapitulacija i preporuke DS 7.6.2022.

Okrugli stol 7.6. – DIP

Materijali za okrugli stol DS 7.6.2022.


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