Tourism for me
Support as it should be: humane, simple and concrete in meeting challenges! A big thank you to the Hilton Hotel, Costabella!

Support as it should be: humane, simple and concrete in meeting challenges! A big thank you to the Hilton Hotel, Costabella!

  • 03.04.2023

On Monday, April 3rd, 2023, we celebrated the World Autism Awareness Day in our association, and we were supported in doing so by the Hilton Hotel, Costabella.

We started cooperation with the Hilton Hotel in November 2022, when we received an order for the production of 200 Christmas decorations made of wool, which ended up in the homes of their employees.

This is only one part of our cooperation, which is developing more and more every day, and we have a common goal – the inclusion of persons with disabilities in work, as well as other activities; all the ways in which we want to show others how a practical, and not just declarative, acceptance of diversity works.

Our cooperation comes to fruition in various forms of joint business undertakings, but also in other ways, such as this joint celebration of important days for the groups we work for.

In addition, our joint purpose is:

–  to encourage other employers to engage in socially responsible business

– to sensitize decision-makers to adopt a proactive approach in resolving the challenges faced by this population

– encourage the public to actively contribute to building an inclusive community in which we live.

Find attached our press release on the occasion of this celebration, so please take note of it and publish it through your communication channels.

We hope that you will continue to support our work in order to prevent further stigmatization of this group, to whom we have been providing social services of half-day stay and psychosocial support for 10 years, and from 2022 onwards, we do so with a formal decision on meeting the Conditions from the Ordinance on Meeting the Criteria for Providing Social Services.

We look forward to the public call for provision of social services from the Ministry, so that we are no longer at the mercy of the ever-changing conditions of project financing, because the people we work for have the right to these social services every day. It is the only way for them to be properly included in the community. We are there for them every day, regardless of means and possibilities, providing them and their families with the comprehensive support and care they need.

We give our thanks to all our donors, collaborators, partners and supporters; to everyone who supports us year after year, because they recognized the potential of our programs and our results; and especially to the Primorsko-goranska County, the City of Rijeka, and the Ministry of Labour, Pension System, Family and Social Policy, who co-finance our social service programs at the Friends Daycare Center.

More at: and

More about all donors and cooperation: and

DIP – World Autism Awareness Day (2)

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