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Invitation to Volunteers – help us build a community that cares!

Invitation to Volunteers – help us build a community that cares!

  • 15.09.2023

We can’t do without volunteers and that’s why we invite volunteers to contact us… we offer a handful of volunteer programs for everyone, from small to large jobs, from simple to challenging, when it suits you because the most important thing is that you want to contribute to positive changes.

If you want to be part of this positive change that we have been creating for 10 years, contact us… more about volunteer programs at:

We also learn from each volunteer, and we offer you a handful of skills and experiences that you can acquire with us.

It is important to us to let you know that, in addition to contributing to the development of our mission, you can also do an internship with us, because we are part of the Professional Base of the University of Rijeka.

More about doing your professional practice with us:

We participate in all activities that encourage volunteering because no community can bring about change without volunteers. We participated in the Croatia Volunteers convention, and here is the report:

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