TOURISM FOR ME! – we started preparations for a new project within the framework of creating conditions for the inclusion of persons with disabilities, with the support of the Ministry of Tourism and Sports!

TOURISM FOR ME! – we started preparations for a new project within the framework of creating conditions for the inclusion of persons with disabilities, with the support of the Ministry of Tourism and Sports!

  • 19.10.2023

Minister of Tourism and Sports, Ph.D. Nikolina Brnjac made the Decision on the selection of projects of associations in tourism, based on the Public Tender for co-financing projects of associations in tourism in 2023. Among the selected projects is one of ours, Tourism for Me!. We are delighted that we can contribute to the development of sustainable and inclusive tourism. https://mint.gov.hr/vijesti/brnjac-za-projekte-udruga-u-turizmu-vise-od-620-000-eura/23614

We are the only association whose activities are aimed at persons with disabilities from Primorje-Gorski Kotar County, which, together with our partner, the Association of Private Renters of the City of Opatija, as well as our affiliated partners, the Tourist Association of the City of Rijeka and Hotel Hilton Costabella, Rijeka, and our associates, the Association of Tourist Guides of Kvarner, the Association of Private Renters of the City of Rijeka and other tourism workers, were approved for co-financing of the project in PGC. You can see which projects will be implemented in the Republic of Croatia in the Decision: https://mint.gov.hr/UserDocsImages/2023_dokumenti/231017_odluka_udruge.pdf

In October 2023, preparations began for our new big project Tourism for Me!, which is co-financed by the Ministry of Tourism and Sports, and is the result of the application to the Public Tender of the Ministry of Tourism and Sports, – co-financing of projects of Associations in tourism, Public Tender R. no. 5658, Co-financing of association projects in tourism in 2023.

Summary of the project and outline overview of the activity schedule with deadlines

The project “Tourism for me!” lasts from October 2023 through June 2024.

Program area PP2 projects to raise awareness of accessible tourism.

Target groups: persons with disabilities, employers in tourism, employees in tourism, and tourist boards.

The funds are intended for the co-financing of projects that contribute to the inclusion of persons with disabilities in the labour market in tourism, encouraging employers and tourist boards in tourism to develop accessible tourism.

Amount of co-financing: 22,347.60 euros

Partners: Association of private renters of the City of Opatija https://www.opatijaholiday.com/si/info/6 (condition of the Invitation is the association)

Associated partners: Tourist Board of the City of Rijeka.. https://visitrijeka.hr

Hotel Hilton (invitation condition for affiliate partners) https://www.hilton.com/en/hotels/rjkochi-hilton-rijeka-costabella-beach-resort-and-spa/

Collaborators: Association of Tourist Guides of Kvarner, https://www.vodici-kvarnera.hr/hr/,  Association of Private Renters of the City of Rijeka and other tourism workers.

The partner’s role is to contribute to spreading awareness of the rights of persons with disabilities to the availability of sustainable and accessible tourism, as well as employment opportunities for persons with disabilities in tourism. With its experience, the partner will contribute to the formation of the training program for workers in tourism, as well as the training program for persons with disabilities who work or can work in tourism, participate in the campaign for sustainable and accessible tourism in the Republic of Croatia, especially since it is from the Istrian County, which is extremely tourist-oriented.

The role of the associate partner – the associate partner does not have the right to compensation, but contributes to the objectives of the public tender, and by ensuring participation in the project contributes, to the reputation and higher quality of the company’s operations, ensures the participation of workers in training, etc.

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