Thank you to everyone for the support you gave us in 2023. We wish you a peaceful and loving, blessed, healthy and successful 2024! Continue supporting us!
- 24.12.2023
I want to work! the exhibition of photographs and CVs – the “Social while physically distant” campaign for advocating the right to work and employment was opened yesterday, December 1st, 2022, in Exportdrvo, with numerous key stakeholders, people with disabilities, parents and the media.
You can view the exhibition until December 7th, 2022, from 18:00 to 21:00, on the ground floor of Exportdrvo. The setting up of the exhibition was financed by the Primorsko-goranska County, the County Office, the Public Call for Grants through sponsorship, financing of manifestations and other events that take place from July 1st to December 31st, 2022, and are of great importance for the Primorsko-goranska County, while the City of Rijeka made it possible to use Exportdrvo free of charge.
We thank numerous leaders and employees of various institutions, as well as representatives of organizations and employers, for their support and establishment of new cooperation, as well as open dialogue in solving various challenges related to equalizing the right to work and employment of people with disabilities.
We thank the representatives of the media for their response and interest in this extremely important topic: Novi list, HRT, Kanal Ri, Teklić and others.
Thank you to our volunteers for their help with the organization, as well as our “DIP-ovci” (DIP members) for their active participation in the creation of this campaign. Of course, our thanks also goes to Sonir from Exportdrvo, for the great cooperation and help with the set-up.
At the opening, after the opening address of the organizer (DIP), the following representatives of key stakeholders addressed the public and sent messages of support:
City of Rijeka – Mayor, Mr. Marko Filipović
Office of the Ombudsperson for Persons with Disabilities, Rijeka Regional Office, Mrs. Tea Rubeša
Chamber of Commerce of the Primorsko-goranska County, on behalf of the president Mr. prof. Ph.D. Heri Bezić – Sara Štrljić Pezelj
Chamber of Crafts of the Primorsko-goranska County, on behalf of the president Mr. Ph.D.Sc. Emil Priskić, Hrvoje Margan’s deputy
Professional Rehabilitation Center Rijeka, director, Mrs. Ivana Kosorčić
The following attended the opening and showed their support:
Primorsko-goranska County, on behalf of PGŽ, Board of Directors for Social Policy and Youth, Anita Jovanović
Teaching Institute for Public Health of the Primorje-Gorski Kotar County, Director, Mr. Assoc. Ph.D. Sc. Željko Linšak, B.Sc.
Rehabilitation Center Rijeka, Director Mrs. Iva Letina
Members of the Council for Social Welfare of the Primorsko-Goranska County: prof. Ph.D. Velinka Grodzanić, Maja Pudić (from the City of Rijeka), on behalf of prof. Ph.D. Zorana Sušnja from the Office for Students with Disabilities, University Counseling Center, University of Rijeka, Sandra Nuždić.
In addition to these key stakeholders, other representatives of institutions, such as employees of the Center for Rehabilitation, the Center for Professional Rehabilitation, employees of the SEC, such as Mr. prof. of technical culture, the winner of the “Faust Vrančić” Technical Culture Award, Rifat Ramčić, from the Technical Culture Community of the Primorsko-goranska County, who this year conducted technical culture workshops for our members as part of a half-day stay, and other representatives of various organizations.
Representatives who could not participate due to earlier commitments were also invited: Croatian Employment Service, Rijeka Regional Office. head Mr. Željko Marković, Center for Social Welfare Director, Mr. Karlo Balenović, and other guests.
In the period from January 1 to September 30, 2022, a total of 103,542 people were employed through the mediation of the Croatian Employment Service. Of that number, 2,503 are people with disabilities (a share of 2.4%), which is 13% more than in the same period last year, when 2,216 people with disabilities were employed, according to Izvjesce-o-aktivnostima-HZZ-u-podrucju-zaposljavanja-osoba-s-invaliditetom-u-razdoblju-od-1.1.-do-30.9.2022_.
The largest number of employed people with disabilities was recorded in the City of Zagreb (382 or 15.3%), followed by Osječko-baranjska County (263 or 10.5%), and Sisačko-moslavačka County (162 or 6.5%).
The City of Rijeka published the following on its website: https://www.rijeka.hr/izlozbom-fotografija-distancirano-socijalni-zelim-raditi-obiljezen-medunarodni-dan-osoba-s-invaliditetom/
The following are publications in the media and electronic portals:
HRT Magazine, https://magazin.hrt.hr/price-iz-hrvatske/kampanja-s-ciljem-da-osobama-s-invaliditetom-omoguci-pravo-na-rad-10475240
Novi list, December 1st, 2022, https://www.novilist.hr/rijeka-regija/rijeka/kampanja-zelim-raditi-pgz-na-samom-dnu-po-pitanju-zaposljavanja-osoba-s-invaliditetom/
Kanal RI, December 1st, 2022, https://kanal-ri.hr/zelim-raditi/
Teklić, December 1st, 2022, https://www.teklic.hr/event/kultura/izlozbom-fotografija-distancirano-socijalni-zelim-raditi-u-rijeci-obiljezen-medunarodni-dan-osoba-s-invaliditetom/241374/
Torpedomedia: 1.12.2022. https://torpedo.media/novosti-rijeka/otvorenje-izlozbe-zelim-raditi–kampanja-za-zavorovanje-prava-na-rad-i-zaposljavanje-osi-distantirano-socialni
Moja Rijeka: December 1st, 2022 https://www.mojarijeka.hr/kalendar/izlozba-fotografija-osoba-s-invaliditetom-zelim-raditi/
Burin: December 1st, 2022 https://burin.hr/izlozbom-fotografija-distancirano-socijalni-zelim-raditi-obiljez
Useful links for people with disabilities and employers:
Institute for Expertise and Professional Orientation – incentives for employers, https://www.zosi.hr/zavod/poticaji/
Center for Professional Rehabilitation, Rijeka: https://www.cpr-rijeka.hr (findings and opinions on remaining work capacity – Rehabilitation assessment on the level of work ability, knowledge, work habits and professional interests)
Croatian Employment Service, https://newbeta.hzz.hr/media/2418/manual_for_pwd_hrv-1.pdf
Croatian Employment Service: measures to encourage the employment of PWDs within the general measures: – https://mjere.hr
Our programs and projects are implemented within the framework of the Friends Day Center – a separate organizational unit for the provision of half-day social services and psychosocial support:
Work-occupational half-day stay – decision of the competent authority on meeting the conditions for providing social services of half-day stay and psychosocial support for PWDs, through which we provide training for work and employment and provide support to employers in the employment and work of PWDs: https://dip.hr/programi /dip’s-youth-club-preparation-pozor-diram/
European Social Fund https://dip.hr/programi/o-programu-esf-edukosi-turizam-edukacije-za-osobe-s-invaliditetom-u-turizmui/ – EDUKOSI.TURIZAM – education for people with disabilities for jobs in tourism and catering
Mentoring program Friends: https://dip.hr/programi/o-mentorskom-programu-laboratorij-zivotnih-vjestina-prijatelji/
Campaign for the advocacy of the rights of PWDs – Social while physically distant https://dip.hr/wp-admin/post.php?post=7692&action=edit
Udomljavanjem naših ukrasno-uporabnih predmeta sudjelujete u provedbi naših programa za mlade s teškoćama u razvoju i psihosocijalnom funkcioniranju. Mi ćemo vam zato pokloniti jedan ili više predmeta koje smo sami napravili.