WHAT DID WE DO THIS WEEK? 15.01. – 19.01.2024
- 19.01.2024
“One of the basic human rights is the right to work. On October 7th, the World Day of Dignified Work is celebrated, the main goal of which is to restore dignity to work and the worker(s), because only through dignified work based on four basic components – employment, rights, protection and dialogue, chances for social progress and development are created. “Dignified work means realizing the constitutional right to work by opening new jobs and employment without discrimination, ensuring regular and adequate wages that enable a dignified life for the worker and their family, social security and protection in case of illness, temporary unemployment, retirement,… work without exploitation and worker freedom to organize themselves into trade unions.”
We, the experts from the DIP, are here to support you. Remember: “Someone once gave you a chance and support, too!”
When we say “employ persons with disabilities”, let’s be honest, most employers will think: “Even if I wanted to, it’s impossible!” It’s difficult, I don’t have the necessary conditions, it’s complicated…it’s easier to pay the fine!” They will think that, and honest people will say it, perhaps not because they are not sensitized to differences, but because they are forced to participate in an increasingly widespread struggle for survival, which is increasingly difficult, so it seems impossible to them.
But does it have to be like that?
You can find excellent tools for employers to better navigate issues related to employment of PWDs here: https://zaposliosi.hr/HR/Index/Index/
The project started back in 2015, but it is still valid today, and the result is a very useful tool for employers!
You will find:
– . calculation of the grants you can receive, the “grant calculator” – if you employ PWDs https://zaposliosi.hr/HR/Calculator/SelectCategory/
– employers’ self-assessment – are you ready to employ PWDs? – https://zaposliosi.hr/HR/Evaluation/Index/
– another very useful tool is the “virtual company” in which you can find all the adjustment strategies you need to make for individual PWDs: https://zaposliosi.hr/HR/VirtualCompany/Index/
MYTH 1. When most people think of employing PWDs, they first think of elevators, toilets for PWDs, ramps, costs… Let’s reverse that outdated paradigm! Yes, we should make a reasonable adjustment for this group, but not for all its members, especially not all these adjustments. For some, these adjustments will be vital, and for others, they won’t mean much.
Reasonable adaptation of the workplace means necessary and appropriate adaptations and adjustments, which do not represent a disproportionate or inappropriate burden, in order to ensure employment and work on an equal footing in individual cases, where necessary, for persons with disabilities basically with others. A person with disability, with residual working capacity is a person whose disability, in relation to the abilities of a non-disabled person of the same or similar age, with the same or similar education, in the same or similar working conditions, in the same or similar jobs, results in a reduced possibility of job training and employment.
When you think of PWDs, think of their possibilities and the change you will make in your image!
Employing PWDs is not an act of mercy; it is the right of every person to work.
Persons with disabilities are not just the costs of furnishing a toilet or a ramp they need.
MYTH 2. I have to hire a person full-time, because otherwise it’s not worth it!
Completely wrong! We are still limited by the paradigm from the past, this being ideas about “permanent work, 8 hours a day, no exceptions”. Perhaps it is ideal for those companies that have a reward and promotion system for loyalty to the company and results, so every worker there can realize their full potential within this framework.
Today, workers in systems with better organizational structure have other priorities, so they have the freedom to choose the dynamics, length, place of work, type of work. Except, of course, in bad companies, where there is a high turnover of workers due to poor working conditions or the very nature of the job.
Good companies adapt to the labor market, to what is realistic and to the priorities of the environment in which they work.
Another thing of relevance is that a small part of employers has left this collapsed value system, then going from one extreme to the other.
Fortunately, there are “modern” employers who fight for a flexible market and know how to do it. So, they know ways to enable PWDs to work and/or be employed.
Modern companies will adapt their work processes and obtain optimal efficiency, in accordance with the capabilities of their workers, including PWDs. This is due to the fact that no one, not even PWDs, can work beyond their capabilities, and the best employer is the one who recognizes and encourages the development of the capabilities of the company’s employees.
Therefore, the assessment of how many hours it is possible for a person to work at a certain workplace is done by the employer, with the help of experts in the field of work and rehabilitation, such as our experts, who can assess how much each person can work and what they can do, without jeopardizing their well-being.
Turn the paradigm upside down and see all your workers and workplaces through this prism.
The PWD part can work one or two hours a day, or 4 hours or full time, if it is in line with the possibilities. PWDs, like any other worker who is overloaded with work, very quickly can no longer work, even at minimal capacity, quickly leaves or is fired.
That is why it is completely insane to deceive yourself, as an employer, and persons with disabilities, as employees, by employing them full-time, if their optimum efficiency and well-being is at 3 or 4 hours of work a day.
MYTH 3. PWDs must have an employment contract!
Wrong, because it is very important for a significant number of PWDs to work, but they do not have to be employed. The compensation they receive for such work activities is a sufficient reward for their work, and when some of them make progress and master some processes, then they can be employed. Then, a contract is concluded between two employers to perform a specific job, and the members work. Examples of this are DM, Bauhaus and others, but in Zagreb and some other cities.
When must an employer have a work contract with PWD?
Employment of persons with disabilities in the open labor market:
– without using financial support or professional support because the employee is fully trained to work at a certain workplace in relation to his/her disability, and has had their remaining work capacity determined (employment without care or support),
– with the use of certain financial support in order to overcome difficulties related to employee’s disability, which was determined by the findings and opinion of the Center for professional rehabilitation (employment with financial support),
– with the use of certain professional support in order to overcome difficulties related to the employee’s disability, which was determined by the findings and opinion of the Center for professional rehabilitation (employment with professional support),
– with the use of certain financial and professional support in order to overcome difficulties related to the employee’s disability, which was determined by the findings and opinion of the Center for professional rehabilitation (employment with care and support)
PWDs can work within the framework of several work models, and with it the employer’s relationship to the work of PWDs
A person with a disability can also work by joining the program of “working
– inclusive volunteering – PWDs can volunteer in the community and thus contribute to the development of the community, as well as personal development, because volunteering is work, but voluntary and unpaid work.
– work in the program of work-occupational activities in the association and in the economic entity (company, trade).
The work models for persons with disabilities can be:
So, decide for yourselves; pay a fine or employ PWDs and become a socially responsible employer; set new values for the entire company!
Udomljavanjem naših ukrasno-uporabnih predmeta sudjelujete u provedbi naših programa za mlade s teškoćama u razvoju i psihosocijalnom funkcioniranju. Mi ćemo vam zato pokloniti jedan ili više predmeta koje smo sami napravili.