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Employment of persons with disabilities – in the three months of our company, DIP lab d.o.o.’s existence, we have already employed 3 persons with disabilities

Employment of persons with disabilities – in the three months of our company, DIP lab d.o.o.’s existence, we have already employed 3 persons with disabilities

  • 02.07.2023

Employment and the right to work of persons with disabilities in Croatia is not at a satisfactory level. The labor market is in a severe crisis as it is, there are not enough workers, there are no skilled workers, so employees are increasingly burdened in all sectors. Such a situation must not continue for much longer, because employed workers are tired and overburdened, which we all feel in our lives, including us. at the DIP. During this crisis, when employers cannot find a competent worker, it may be time to change the business culture and work organization. Maybe it is a chance for many of the persons with disabilities, who want to work, and can in fact be employed on certain posts, provided that employers change the work organization and business culture that we have, regrettably, grown accustomed to over the years.

There are a number of works tasks that persons with disabilities can complete in different ways, and, for starters, employers need to change the perception that each worker must work for 8 hours. Successful employers have already applied this, so they introduced the possibility for each employee to choose how efficiently he/she can work, be it 4, 8 hours, or once a week. Today, we don’t have to do everything in the workplace, and we don’t even have to be employed in a company, but can be employed in another one, that provides services to other companies in the first place, for those jobs that represent a sufficient burden on employed people. When an employee works in accordance with his/her competences and possibilities, then he/she is more efficient and satisfied.

In addition, the change must go in the direction of changing the organization of work. There are always additional work tasks in workplaces that take up too much of the busy worker’s time, so they can be given to someone else who can then do these tasks. Then, a specialized worker in a certain workplace will perform the primary work task better and be more efficient. The peculiarity of the modern market is the increasing differentiation of work, so, accordingly, there are and always will be tasks that are better left to someone else, or as they say, that are better used in such a way so as to maximize the competencies of each worker in the direction of better results.

The normative framework for encouraging the employment of PWDs in the Republic of Croatia does exist, but, as is the case many with other rights, we are behind when it comes to implementation. The reasons are numerous, from prejudices to complicated procedures. The fundamental stumbling block is that we still live in a culture of “mercy” towards people with disabilities, and not in a culture of equal relations towards PWDs.

However, we, the DIP, have been representing the values of human rights and the rights of persons with disabilities as equal citizens since our foundation. We continuously carry out a communication campaign for the advocacy of the rights of PWDs, we are looking for ways to change the behavior of the majority – we are improving the models of inclusion and work, we are working with numerous organizers, but after 10 years of work, we are not satisfied with the changes, which are happening too slowly.

The state does provide incentives for employment (see ZOSI:, but there is a lack of skilled workers who will train a workplace mentor for a new employee, PWD, or provide professional support at work for those persons with disabilities who need it. Employment of PWDs is possible without support, but in most cases it is necessary, i.e. the employer must adjust the workplace and work processes, i.e. make a reasonable adjustment. It is most often thought that it is only a technical adaptation, and it is forgotten that other aspects of the working environment also need to be adapted for PWDs to be able to work on an equal basis with others. Fear, impatience, ignorance, stigma, prejudice against PWDs – all these are the factors that reduce the likelihood that an employer will hire PWDs.

Since the establishment of the DIP, we have been implementing a program based on the model of work-occupational program of providing social services of half-day stay and psychosocial support, in order to equalize the opportunities of persons with disabilities in realizing the right to inclusion in the community, the right to work and independent living. After a fierce struggle to change the business culture (and the lack thereof) in Croatia, following the example of other countries, despite the provided framework for encouraging the employment of persons with disabilities, at the beginning of the year, the DIP established the social entrepreneurial company, DIP lab d.o.o.

To find out more about our company – see our Facebook page:

or click the link:

DIP lab d.o.o. was founded in February 2023, and we have already employed 3 persons with disabilities. We provide services of cleaning the business premises and offices, product assembly, packaging and stacking. So, opt for doing business with us, so that we can employ more persons with disabilities.

Support us in our vision to create a positive employment model for persons with disabilities. Our mission is to create new business values, in line with sustainable development, and to do away with prejudice towards persons with disabilities.

DIP lab also provides support to other employers when hiring persons with disabilities. Investing in adaptation of work and work processes for persons with disabilities pays off many times over, and we know how to achieve these benefits! Contact us to acquire this service, and do so with confidence!

Every person has the right to work, and if you approach persons with disabilities from the perspective of opportunity, and not of fear, you will soon see the many benefits of doing business with us.

We congratulate and thank all the employers who hire persons with disabilities.



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