Employees of the Police Department of the Primorsko-goranska County collected funds for the DIP’s kitchen

Employees of the Police Department of the Primorsko-goranska County collected funds for the DIP’s kitchen

  • 21.12.2022

Today, December 20th, 2022, the Police Administration of the Primorsko-goranska County arrived as our guests with a gift, a symbolic check for HRK 11,170.00 raised by the employees of PU PGŽ.

Many thanks to them for this great gift, which we will use to adapt our kitchen, which means everything to us, because it is where our DIP members acquire the skills necessary for independent living and work.

In addition to the campaign and donations from citizens on the A1 fundraising platform “Doing the Right Thing”, which is still ongoing, https://cinipravustvar.hr/udruga/dip, along with all the other fundraising campaigns for the development of our half-day stay social service activities and psychosocial support, donations and support from companies, citizens and friends, our hearts are filled, because this is exactly how a community is built.

No organization, whether public or non-profit, has achieved positive change in a community without the support of that community. And we have now opened new pages of cooperation with the Ministry of Internal Affairs in our county, and we believe that we will soon see the fruits of this cooperation.

We thank PU PGŽ for their compassion and support, the head of PU, Mr. Dizdar and his deputy, Mr. Brnad, for his support, as well as the entire team that organized this fundraising. We still have a lot to share in order to make our community safer and healthier, and that’s the only way we can build a better life in the society we live in. We are happy about this new and improved cooperation.

Many thanks also to the media; to Novi List, HRT – Center Rijeka, Kanal RI and others for pointing out this positive example of cooperation between sectors, institutions, people and the will for positive changes.






More from the media:

  1. PU PGŽ  https://primorsko-goranska-policija.gov.hr/vijesti/vijesti/djelatnici-pu-primorsko-goranske-prikupili-11-170-kuna-za-dnevni-centar-prijatelji/29745
  2. Novi list: https://www.novilist.hr/rijeka-regija/humani-policajci-prikupili-11-170-kuna-za-dnevni-centar-prijatelji/
  3. HRT Hrvatska danas:  https://hrti.hrt.hr/api/api/ott/socialshare?target=copy&referenceId=1132625696&channelReferenceId=40016&mobile=false&serie=false&operatorReferenceId=hrt
  4. Kanal RI: https://kanal-ri.hr/policijski-sluzbenici-pokazali-veliko-srce/
  5. Fiuman: https://www.fiuman.hr/rijecka-policija-donirala-11-700-kuna-za-socijalnu-uslugu-poludnevnog-boravka/
  6. Teklić, https://www.teklic.hr/aktualno/aktualno-hrvatska/djelatnici-pu-primorsko-goranske-prikupili-11-170-kuna-za-dnevni-centar-prijatelji-udruge-dip/242557/
  7. Burin.hr https://burin.hr/humanitarna-akcija-djelatnici-policijske-uprave-primorsko-goranske-skupili-11-tisuca-kuna-za-dnevni-centar-prijatelji/


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