Thank you to everyone for the support you gave us in 2023. We wish you a peaceful and loving, blessed, healthy and successful 2024! Continue supporting us!
- 24.12.2023
These days we received some donations, but the donors remain unknown, because the reference is incomplete. We are very surprised and grateful because we need every support we can get – as a stepping stone to the realization of our first development goal: the adaptation of sanitary facilities. This has to be done in order to obtain a license from the Ministry with jurisdiction in our sector; a license for that which we are already doing – we provide a social service of half-day stay and psychosocial support and counseling, for young people with developmental difficulties and psychosocial functioning, as well as for other persons with disabilities, that is, those people who need support and care from the community which they live in.
Our warmest thank you goes to every “small” and big donation, because donations for our members mean a step towards sustainability and preserving the continuity of the provision of social services, to which they are entitled according to the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities.
Thank you to all our donors, to everyone who supported us during this period.
Our donors are listed on our page, on the link – https://dip.hr/donatori-podupiratelji-prijatelji-sponzori/, and if there are more, they will be on the list if they want it; or, if we missed someone in the last few days. Join this pleasant company yourselves!
Our goal is to raise HRK 80,000.00, because that’s how much the renovation costs: to make 3 sanitary facilities from one toilet – meaning, to have 3 toilets, move the drains and inlets for the kitchen and make a shower.
We haven’t reached the halfway point yet, which means we now have about HRK 20,000.00!
This is what the Ordinance on minimum conditions for the provision of social services requires us to do https://narodne-novine.nn.hr/search.aspx?upit=Pravilnik+o+minimalnim+uvjetima+za+pružanje+socijalnih+usluga&naslovi=da&sortiraj=1&kategorija= 1&rpp=10&qtype=3&search=yes
For all the donors who are a legal entity, who should have a donation agreement, we have prepared a sample agreement that you can fill out at the link: donation-agreement.DIP,
Fill in your information, send us a scan, signed and stamped, and we will return it to you. All our information is listed in the contract, but as a reminder, the information is:
Udomljavanjem naših ukrasno-uporabnih predmeta sudjelujete u provedbi naših programa za mlade s teškoćama u razvoju i psihosocijalnom funkcioniranju. Mi ćemo vam zato pokloniti jedan ili više predmeta koje smo sami napravili.