Tourism for me
Why do we take part in Zeleni Kastav? Because we feel included!

Why do we take part in Zeleni Kastav? Because we feel included!

  • 07.06.2021
  • Uncategorized

On Saturday, 25th of January 2020, despite rain and awful conditions, we had happily taken part in the 48th Zeleni Kastav, a fair in which we have been participating in for a year. Our priority is to give DIP members the opportunity to publicly communicate their needs and problems, the same problems that perclude them from being fully included in our wider community.

We are raising donations to fund our activities and projects such as „Ready, set, I’m working!“ and mentoring project „Life skill laboratory FRIENDS“. In return, our donators will be recieving products made of used and recycled material which have been used to sew bags that are then filled with lavender gifted by the Ekoregion Kostrena association. Our gifts also include dwarfs with beards made from unwanted wool from the island of Cres, etc..

A big thank you to all of the citizens who have supported this project and have donated 20 or more kunas for our work. We hope you are taking good care of ours Vandas, Hildas and other  goods.

Novi list, January 26th, 2020, 47th Green Kastav

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