Tourism for me
WHAT DID WE DO LAST WEEK? September 18th – 22nd, 2023

WHAT DID WE DO LAST WEEK? September 18th – 22nd, 2023

  • 22.09.2023

On Monday, we held a sewing activity. At the activities in DIP, we improve manual sewing with needle and thread and sewing with sewing machines.

On Tuesday, after a short break, we resumed our modeling activities under the mentorship of Prof. Rifat. This time, we made wooden trays that will fit perfectly into our new kitchen.

On Wednesday, we prepared a surprise activity for our members. In cooperation with the Association of Technical Culture of the Primorsko-goranska County, we held a weaving activity with Mr. Željko. Did you know that this method of weaving is practiced by only 6 people in the whole of Croatia? This is another reason why it was a great pleasure for us to participate in this activity, we learned a lot of new things, and along the way, we also had a little fun!

On Thursday, we devoted ourselves to our music therapy, “Drumming Circle”. Music therapy contributes to developing fine and gross motor skills of the hands and fingers, as well as increasing the level of patience and tolerance of our members.

Friday, was, as always, reserved for our Zoom tea party. The Zoom tea party is a convenient virtual environment for the development of digital competencies and communication among our members.



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