Tourism for me
WHAT DID WE DO LAST WEEK? October 2nd – 6th, 2023

WHAT DID WE DO LAST WEEK? October 2nd – 6th, 2023

  • 06.10.2023

We started the week with the musical activity “Body percussion” with our volunteer Lucia, and we were reminded of the choreography we practiced in the past months. Body percussion is important because it develops our inner sense of rhythm and connects us with our own body. At the end of the day, we held psychosocial support for our members.

Tuesday was reserved for a modeling activity where we made wooden spice holders. Working with wood has a calming effect and can reduce stress and anxiety. After the modeling activity, we went to the Education Center where, together with our members, we got to know the school’s eco-garden, which we will jointly maintain and plant new plants.

On Wednesday, we prepared a surprise activity for our members – we visited the exhibition “Sweet Life – 100 Years of the Zvečevo Factory” in the Sugar Palace, which the City Museum of Požega dedicated to the famous Croatian factory of alcohol and chocolate products from Požega. Did you know that the world’s first chocolate with rice was produced in Croatia at the Zvečevo factory?

On Thursday, we devoted ourselves to our music therapy “Drumming Circle”. In our musical activities, we use different types of drums, such as bongos and djembe drums.

We marked the end of the week with our Zoom tea party, where we went on a virtual tour of the city of Zadar and saw some of its sights.

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