Tourism for me
What did we do last week? May 31st – June 2nd, 2023

What did we do last week? May 31st – June 2nd, 2023

  • 02.06.2023

We marked the middle of the week with a creative activity – we made a checkered pattern out of paper. This activity is good for the development of hand and finger motor skills, improves concentration and attention focus, and is good for frustration tolerance.

Thursday was dynamic! On the occasion of the Day of Associations’ Open Doors (DOVU), we held two activities: a musical drumming activity that you could follow live on the show Dobro juro Hrvatska. The second activity was a culinary workshop with volunteer Matea. We learned that desserts can be nice and healthy! Find out what we cooked well in the photos.

We spent Friday activities in the nature, at our eco garden in Viškovo. Our garden is slowly taking on a neat appearance thanks to the effort and work of our hard-working members. After pulling grass, picking elderberries, medicinal herbs and other gardening work, we rewarded ourselves with coffee and socializing in a nearby cafe.

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