Tourism for me
What did we do last week? April 3rd – 7th, 2023

What did we do last week? April 3rd – 7th, 2023

  • 07.04.2023


We started on Monday with a creative activity, after which we had special guests – together with representatives of the Hilton Costabella Hotel; we marked World Autism Awareness Day. We would like to thank you for coming and for the nice cakes!

On Tuesday, we had the activity in the fresh air at our eco garden in Viškovo. Working in the garden has many benefits: it has a positive effect on psychophysical health and mood, it is a therapeutic activity that, among other things, reduces the level of stress. Since we haven’t been in the garden for a long time, this week we made a work plan for the future and started implementing it.

We dedicated the middle of the week to a cleaning activity – cleaning the DIP! Among our users, progress is visible in the execution of space maintenance activities; they independently agree on the division of tasks, perform assigned tasks as a team and independently complete the task from start to finish, with minimal support from volunteers. We ended the day with psychosocial support activity “Chat Room”

On Thursday, we had a musical drumming activity, after which we celebrated Maja and Filip’s birthday. We are proud of our Filip, who made his own birthday cake, brought it to DIP and shared it with his friends! We do not buy gifts for birthdays, but encourage the creation of greeting cards, which develop positive relationships and greater connection between users.

We ended the week with our Zoom tea party. We talked about the upcoming Easter and the customs of the celebration within our families (what food we prepare, how we paint Easter eggs, etc.)

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