Tourism for me
What did we do last week? April 24th – 28th, 2023

What did we do last week? April 24th – 28th, 2023

  • 28.04.2023

On Monday, we dedicated our activities to completing what was left unfinished. At the end of the day, we held a “Storytelling” session. Did you know that we maintain the group for psychosocial support at least twice a week?

On Tuesday, we went with our members to the Open Days of the Department of Biotechnology. We participated in activities such as: Chemistry of Colors, Making Natural Cosmetics, Aromas that Surround Us, and Wine Fly – A Small Organism for Great Discoveries.

On Wednesday, we focused on arranging our eco-garden in Viškovo. This year too, on the occasion of the Croatia Volunteers campaign, we will hold activities in our garden, and more detailed information will be published soon.

On Thursday, we held a musical drumming activity, but this time there were a record number of us, because we had special guests. We were visited by students and their teachers from the Center for Education and Training Rijeka. Judge for yourself how it was on the photos!

We concluded the week with our Zoom tea party. We talked about plans and tasks for the current week.

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