Tourism for me

Interdisciplinary and applied research and strategic planning


Recolor/development of “Strategija kulturno-turističke valorizacije Parka skulpture Dubrova” (Strategy of cultural and tourist valorization of the Sculpture Park Dubrova)


The project of development of the “Strategy of cultural and tourist valorization of the Sculpture Park Dubrova” in cooperation with City of Labin, and for the project “RECOLOR – Reviving and EnhanCing artwOrks Landscapes Of the adRiatic” co-financed by the European Union form the European Regional Development Fund within Cross-border Cooperation Program INTERREG V-A Italy – Croatia 2014-2020.


Strategy of cultural and tourist valorization of the Sculpture Park Dubrova for the period from 2020 to 2030

The development of the Strategy began in early January 2020, and in the meantime we have developed a “Branding strategiju Parka skulptura Dubrova i Mediteranskog kiparskog simpozij/ Branding Strategy of the Sculpture Park Dubrova and Mediterranean Sculpture Symposium” as and integral part of this Strategy, an initial step towards development programs and a prerequisite for implementation of the Strategy. Cooperation with the City of Labin have been lasting since our establishment, and so far we’ve participated in more projects funded by EU funds in which the City of Labin ( was a partner, and in other projects in which the City was the holder and we were expert associates. This cooperation on this projects showed that the public administration can also be flexible and in line with the real situation, because we had and opportunity to reschedule activities together in accordance with measures to protect against the spread of the COVID-19 pandemic, which resulted in an extension of the deadline, but also in successfully completed tasks. Thank you Ana Černjul for the excellent cooperation. The City of Labin can be located in a few cities that have the hearing and that really want to support all those who work for the wellbeing of the community and give support to the development of resources that need to be given development support. While developing the Strategy, we had an excellent cooperation with the Istarska County ( that is also our “old” collaborator from the development of the “Regionalni program za mlade Istarske županije/ Regional Program for the Youth of the Istarska County” ( which we also proudly created. We would especially like to emphasize the cooperation with Mr. Torbica who is the head of the Board of UO for culture and homeland of IŽ, and who is also a great connoisseur and expert of Istrian culture and heritage, so his participation has greatly contributed to the development of this Strategy. Collaborators on the development were the Tourist Board of the City of Labin TZ Svete Nedelje, Upravni odjel za održivi razvoj IŽ (Administrative Department for Sustainable Development IŽ), Upravni odjel za turizam (Administrative Department for Tourism IŽ) and others. Also, through the development of this Strategy we had an opportunity to cooperate with enthusiastic and tirelles members of the association “Mediteranski kiparski simpozij” which was given to manage the space of the Sculpture Park Dubrova precisely because the members of this association, artists and other enthusiasts designed and realized this unique open-air park/museum. We are proud to have had the opportunity to develop this Strategy. The planned deadline for printing the bilingual publication is mid-August, so the promotion of this important document for preservation and development of the Sculpture Park Dubrova is expected, as well as the initiation of procedures for protection of cultural heritage and for development of cultural tourism in this area (

Today, on October 2nd 2020, we have promoted @Strategiju kulturno-turističke valorizacije Parka skulptura Dubrova (Strategy of cultural and tourist valorization of the Sculpture Park Dubrova) in the Information Center Kocka in Labin, on which we’ve worked on this whole difficult year 2020 within the project Interreg Recolor. @The City of Labin gave its best to make the best use of this program, and @Mediteranski kiparski simpozij (Mediterranean Sculpture Symposium) gave its best to share love and care for this resource with all. Our associates, key stakeholders in development, from the Istrian County to the Municipality, have made an exceptional contribution to establishing a quality dialogue, because without everyone’s motivation to work on the “same thing” there is no progress. Maybe that is why it is imbued with dreams and realities, great cooperation of all stakeholders who are very professional and who have sincerely shared with us their experience and knowledge. We are proud to be a part of this great future, great people full of will and knowledge to push forward this cultural treasure that is now in good hands of the City, the people, and all who care to preserve it and show it to the world.



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