What is Social Entrepreneurship?
In the “Social Business Initiative,” the European Commission conceptually defined the concept of a social entrepreneur:
- a social entrepreneur is defined as a carrier of entrepreneurial activity whose primary goal is social impact, not generating profit for owners or shareholders;
- a social entrepreneur acts in a way that provides goods or services on the market in an entrepreneurial and innovative way and uses the realized profit primarily to fulfill social goals;
- the way of managing the business entity is of an open type and includes employees, users and other stakeholders affected by the entrepreneur’s economic activity” (http://Social Business Initiative, COM(2011)682 final of October 25, 2011, p.2.
Strategy for the development of social entrepreneurship in the Republic of Croatia for the period from 2015 to 2020. -2015-2020.pdf defines social entrepreneurship:
“A business based on social, environmental and economic sustainability, in which the generated profit/surplus income is fully or largely invested for the benefit of the community… Criteria for recognizing social
Social entrepreneurs are:
- A social entrepreneur balances social, environmental, and economical business goals.
- A social entrepreneur performs the activity of production and trade of goods, provision of services, or performs an artistic activity that generates income on the market and which has a favorable impact on the environment, contributes to the improvement of the development of the local community and society as a whole.
- The social entrepreneur creates new value and ensures financial sustainability so that, in the three years of operation, at least 25% of the annual income is planned to be realized or realized through the performance of its entrepreneurial activity.
- The social entrepreneur invests at least 75% of the annual profit, i.e., the surplus income realized by the performance of his activity, in the realization and development of the goals of the business, i.e., activity.
- A social entrepreneur is characterized by voluntary and open membership and the autonomy of business, i.e., activity.
- The Republic of Croatia, a unit of local and regional (regional) self-government or public authority, cannot be the sole founder of a social entrepreneur.
- A social entrepreneur is characterized by a democratic way of decision-making (involvement of stakeholders in transparent and responsible management); that is, decision-making is not exclusively related to own shares or membership roles but includes key stakeholders: workers, members, users, or consumers, and cooperative organizations.
- The social entrepreneur monitors and evaluates his social, economic, and environmental effects and impact, as well as the results of the evaluation of benefits in planning his further business and takes care of their improvement.
- If a social entrepreneur ceases to carry out his activity, his general acts have a defined obligation to transfer his remaining assets, after covering liabilities to creditors and covering losses from the previous period, to the ownership of another social entrepreneur with the same or similar business goals, or to the ownership of a unit local and regional (regional) self-governments that will use it for the development of social entrepreneurship.”
Social entrepreneurship can have various legal forms: a company to an association, foundation, and cooperative. We contract our social enterprise projects through public procurement processes or direct contracts for the services we provide.Naše usluge koje smo do sada pružali izrazito su prema sadržaju orijentirane na zajednicu javno dobro, a način poslovanja je u skladu s principima održivog razvoja i društevnog poduzetništva. Kapacitirani smo za pružanje više raznih usluga iz područja:
- strategic planning of public policies, development of strategies, desk analysis, applied research, development of action plans based on strategic plans, development of a library of indicators, etc.
- strategic planning for organizations of various types – making strategic plans for associations, foundations, cooperatives, private and public companies of any kind
- monitoring, evaluation, and assessment of the effectiveness of implementing strategies, plans, interventions, projects, actions, and operations – the creation of instruments for monitoring, evaluation of results, and assessment of social effectiveness, investment effectiveness studies, etc.
- Creating and implementing applied research, processing results and interpretation, etc.Naš DP tim čine ljudi s iskustvom u izradi raznih studija i strategija, istraživanja, statističkih obrada podataka i sl..
- Strategic planning of public policies – creating strategies, studies…
2021 – 2022 Program for young people of the Primorje-Gorski Kotar County
More about all stages of the creation of the Youth Program of the Primorje-Gorski Kotar County: https://dip.hr/programi/javne-politike-za-mlade/
The PGŽ youth program was completed in February 2021 and is being read in administrative departments among young people, and members of the Primorje-Gorski Kotar County Youth Council were the first to read it.
In November 2021, there was a public consultation with the interested public.
A discussion at the PGŽ Assembly will follow this discussion. In January 2022, the PGŽ Youth Program was accepted at the PGŽ Assembly as a strategic investment plan for young people and PGŽ youth.
Form1-Invitation-to the public
More about programs for young people and active participation of young people in the handbook for young people that I wrote for the Let local voices be heard project (host: RIZM) by Marta Berčić: https://umki.hr/wp-content/uploads/2018/09/ umki-publications-nekaselokalniglasovicuju2015.pdf
in 2020
Recolor/creation of the strategy for the cultural and touristic valorization of the Dubrova Sculpture Park
The project of creating the “Strategy for the cultural and touristic valorization of the Dubrova Sculpture Park” in cooperation with the City of Labin and the project “RECOLOR – Reviving and Enhancing artworks Landscapes of the Adriatic” co-financed by the European Union from the European Fund for regional development within the cross-border cooperation program INTERREG V-A Italy – Croatia 2014-2020. (https://www.labin.hr/projekt-recolor)
Strategy for the cultural and touristic valorization of the Dubrova Sculpture Park for the period from 2020 to 2030
The creation of the Strategy began at the beginning of January 2020. In the meantime, we also created the “Branding Strategy of the Dubrovnik Sculpture Park and the Mediterranean Sculpture Symposium” as an integral part of this Strategy, an initial step toward the development programs and a prerequisite for the start of the implementation of the Strategy itself. Cooperation with the City of Labin has been going on since our establishment, and until now, we have participated in several projects financed from EU funds in which the City of Labin (https://www.labin.hr) was a partner, as well as other projects in which the City was the host, and we professional associates. This collaboration on this project showed that the public administration could be flexible by the actual situation because we had the opportunity to jointly reprogram activities following the measures to protect against the spread of the COVID-19 pandemic, which resulted in an extension of the deadline but also completed tasks. Thank Ana Černjul, for the excellent cooperation. The city of Labin can be placed among the rare cities that have an ear and want to support all those who work for the welfare of the community and the development of resources that need development support. On the creation of the Strategy, we also collaborated excellently with the County of Istria (https://www.istra-istria.hr/index.php?id=2), which is also our “old” collaborator from the creation of the “Regional Program for the Youth of the County of Istria” (https ://www.istra-istria.hr/fileadmin/dokumenti/Izvojeno/171228_Program_mladi_IZ.pdf) which we also proudly created. They would especially like to emphasize the cooperation with Mr. Torbica, who is the head of the Board of Directors for culture and nativeness of the IŽ, and who is also a great connoisseur and expert of Istrian culture and heritage, so his participation significantly contributed to the creation of this Strategy. Collaborators in the preparation were the tourist board of the City of Labin TZ Sveta Nedelja, the Administrative Department for Sustainable Development IŽ, the Administrative Department for Tourism IŽ, and others. Likewise, through the creation of this Strategy, we had the opportunity to work excellently with the enthusiastic and tireless members of the association “Mediterranean Cypriot Symposium,” which was given the management of the Dubrova Sculpture Park precisely because the members of this association, artists and other enthusiasts designed and realized this unique open-air park/museum. We are proud to have had the opportunity to create this Strategy. The planned deadline for printing the bilingual publication is mid-August, so the promotion of this important document for the preservation and development of the Dubrova Sculpture Park is expected, as well as the initiation of procedures for the protection of cultural property and the development of cultural tourism in this area (https://parkdubrova.eu).
Today, October 2, 2020. at the Kocka Information Center in Labin, we promoted the @Strategy of cultural and touristic valorization of the Dubrova Sculpture Park, which we worked on throughout this challenging year 2020, as part of the Interreg Recolor project. The @City of Labin did everything to make the best use of the opportunity to make quality use of this program, and the @Mediterranski Cyprus Symposium did its best to convey love and care for this resource to everyone. Our collaborators, key stakeholders in the development, from the County of Istria to the Municipalities, have contributed significantly to the establishment of a quality dialogue because without everyone’s motivation to work on the “same thing,” there is no progress. Perhaps that is why it is imbued with both dreams and reality, with the excellent cooperation of all stakeholders who very professionally and sincerely shared their experience and knowledge with us. We are proud to be a part of this great future of excellent people full of the will and knowledge to push forward this cultural treasure that is now in the good hands of the City, the people, and everyone who cares to preserve it and show it to the world.
Today, October 2, 2020. at the Kocka Information Center in Labin, we promoted the @Strategy of cultural and touristic valorization of the Dubrova Sculpture Park, which we worked on throughout this challenging year 2020, as part of the Interreg Recolor project. The @City of Labin did everything to make the best use of the opportunity to make quality use of this program, and the @Mediterranski Cyprus Symposium did its best to convey love and care for this resource to everyone. Our collaborators, critical stakeholders in the development, from the County of Istria to the Municipalities, have contributed significantly to the establishment of a quality dialogue because without everyone’s motivation to work on the “same thing,” there is no progress. Perhaps that is why it is imbued with both dreams and reality, with the excellent cooperation of all stakeholders who very professionally and sincerely shared their experience and knowledge with us. We are proud to be a part of this great future of excellent people full of the will and knowledge to push forward this cultural treasure that is now in the good hands of the City, the people, and everyone who cares to preserve it and show it to the world.