Tourism for me

About the ESF EDUKOSI.TOURISM program – education for persons with disabilities in tourism

The EDUKOSI.TOURISM – EDUCATION FOR PERSONS WITH DISABILITIES IN TOURISM project is financed from the European Social Fund, within the framework of the Call for Improvement of Access of Vulnerable Groups to the Labor Market in the Tourism and Hospitality Sector II, published by the Ministry of Tourism and Sports. It is implemented within the Operational Program Effective Human potentials 2014-2020. The approved total value of the project is HRK 1,240,441.74, and it will be financed in the amount of 100% of the total eligible expenses of the project.

People’s Open University Poreč is the sponsor, and the project partners are: Association of the Disabled, Poreč,  DANTE – institution for adult education Rijeka,  Society for research and support Rijeka,  and Mini caravan servis d.o.o. – Polidor Camp Funtana.

The project lasts 20 months. The project starts on March 11th, 2022, and lasts until October 11th, 2023.

Project description

Through the EDUKOSI.TOURISM project, social services will be provided for 110 persons with disabilities, through the improvement and implementation of the educational program “Training for internet sales in tourism”, through the implementation of training for the development of socio-emotional skills, and professional guidance and counseling with the aim of integrating the PWDs into the labor market. To ensure the quality and professional education, a training program for lecturers and mentors in working with PWDs is being developed and implemented. Through the development of a digital platform – the labor and education market for PWDs, and through events for employers, access to the labor market in the tourism and hospitality sector is promoted.

The project solves the problem of unemployment among PWDs, partly caused by inadequate educational programs and insufficient competences for work. They face unequal opportunities in education and employment as the most important aspects of gaining independence, financial and material security, and self-realization. The participation of PWDs in the world of work is an important factor in their social (re)integration.

Objectives of the project:

  1. Development and acquisition of professional knowledge of persons with disabilities necessary for work in the tourism and catering sector through the development and implementation of training programs and organized practical classes at the employer’s workplace. The creation of a training program for PWDs, designed according to the needs of employers in the tourism and hospitality sector, and its implementation promotes and opens access to the labor market for PWDs. Internet sales are on the rise, and the profession and educational program are competitive and aligned with modern trends. By researching the needs of the PWDs, the program will be adapted to their needs and capabilities. By implementing a competitive program, the employability of the target group increases, the human potential in the sector is strengthened, and the community’s quality of life increases.
  2. Improvement and enhancement of the professional and andragogic knowledge of experts from the tourism and hospitality sector, i.e. lecturers and mentors for working with persons with disabilities. In order to ensure high-quality implementation of the training program adapted to the target group, a training program for lecturers and mentors for working with persons with disabilities is being developed and implemented. With improved professional and andragogic knowledge, the teaching staff is able to ensure the quality acquisition of knowledge and skills from the tourism and catering sector, thereby increasing the employability of PWDs, their integration into the labor market and reducing unemployment.
  3. Promotion of access to the labor market in the tourism and hospitality sector for persons with disabilities. By creating a digital platform as an innovative approach to the labor market for PWDs, the accessibility of the tourism and hospitality sector for PWDs is promoted and increased, by connecting PWDs who are looking for employment, employers with job offers for PWDs, and adult education institutions that offer education adapted to persons with disabilities. The organization of workshops and a round table for employers promotes the employment of persons with disabilities in the tourism and hospitality sector.









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