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Important news for persons with disabilities: on November 15th, 2023, the new Law on Privileges in Traffic came into effect

Important news for persons with disabilities: on November 15th, 2023, the new Law on Privileges in Traffic came into effect

  • 22.11.2023

The Law on Privileges in Traffic is an important act, which regulates and equates some of the rights of persons with disabilities in Croatia with those in the EU. It regulates privileges in traffic, but more strictly than before, and clearly regulates the abuse of this privilege, which is to the detriment of persons with disabilities.

It is also important because, finally, after several years, it harmonizes the terminology related to persons with disabilities with that agreed in the Sheraton Declaration, back in 2003.

We have repeatedly appealed to the designated authorities and law makers to change existing derogatory and stigmatizing terms in relevant laws and regulations, for example, -decision-makers-to-immediately-change-derogatory-and-offensive-nicknames-for-persons-with-disabilities-and-children-with-developmental-difficulties/.  We finally saw it being done.

The Act on Privileges in Traffic also defines the holders of the European parking ticket for persons with disabilities, i.e. the privileges of persons with disabilities regulated by this Act are regulated by these public documents:

– National identity card for persons with disabilities

– European ID card for persons with disabilities

– European parking ticket for persons with disabilities.

Everything is taken care of by the Central Registry, which contains records of persons with disabilities who exercise one or more rights in the area of mobility, in accordance with the provisions of this Act, data on the privileges granted to persons with disabilities in the area of mobility, issued National ID cards for persons with disabilities and European ID cards for persons with disabilities, as well as European parking tickets for persons with disabilities. In addition to the Central Registry, the issue of identity cards is handled by the Agency for Commercial Activity, Production, Service and Trade d.o.o., which performs professional and technical work in the creation and maintenance of the information system of traffic privileges, the Central Registry and the work of collecting and processing data related to the issued documents.

The law also regulates privileges for pupils and students, non-contributory cash benefits for persons with disabilities, as well as other persons who have residence or permanent residence in the Republic of Croatia, and all of this is related to the use of rail, sea and road transport on the territory of the Republic of Croatia.

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