Thank you to everyone for the support you gave us in 2023. We wish you a peaceful and loving, blessed, healthy and successful 2024! Continue supporting us!
- 24.12.2023
Financed by: Ministry of Tourism and Sports
Associated partners: Rijeka Tourist Board, Hotel Hilton Costabella
The partner’s role is to contribute to spreading awareness of the right of persons with disabilities to the availability of sustainable and accessible tourism, as well as employment opportunities for persons with disabilities in tourism. With its experience, the partner will contribute to the formation of the training program for workers in tourism, as well as the training program for persons with disabilities who work or can work in tourism, participate in the campaign for sustainable and affordable tourism in the Republic of Croatia, especially since it is from the Istrian County, which is extremely tourist-oriented.
The role of the associate partner – the associate partner does not have the right to compensation, but contributes to the objectives of the competition, and by ensuring participation in the project, contributes to the reputation and higher quality of the company’s operations, ensures the participation of workers in training, etc.
Schedule of activities from October 2023 until June 2024
Provision of infrastructure for the implementation of DIP activities (participants: partners, associated partners, collaborators) – Association of Private Renters of the City of Opatija, Hotel Hilton Costabella, TC Rijeka, Association of Tourist Guides Kvarner, Association of Private Renters of the City of Rijeka) – from October 2023 – April 2024
1.1. Module 1. Training programs for employees in tourism, those who come into direct contact with persons with disabilities on the topic of taking care of guests with disabilities, equalizing opportunities for persons with disabilities – participants: partners, associated partners, associates – Association of Private Renters of the City of Opatija Hotel Hilton Costabella, TC Rijeka, Association of Tourist Guides Kvarner, Association of Private Renters of the City of Rijeka; according to the agreement for 5 to 15 tourism workers from each organization, in DIP and/or Hilton and/or Opatija. Duration: 2-4 hours, as needed x 2
– Trained up to 15 tourist workers to work with PWDs – tourist, guest; how to deal with PWDs, what to provide, how to adapt the service; what is not the duty of workers in tourism, and what is?
– for associated partners, for persons who are already employed and 10 PWDs who are potential workers – jobseekers in tourism,
participants: partners, associated partners, collaborators: Association of private renters of the City of Opatija, Hotel Hilton Costabella, TC Rijeka
Association of Tourist Guides Kvarner, Association of Private Renters City of Rijeka
– other interested persons with disabilities: for 2 to 5 PWD workers of associated partners and associates and 10 potential DIP members
Duration: 1-2 hours x 2 Held workshops for PWDs on topics: work ethics and discipline, rights, communication
– for two to 5 persons who are immediate superiors, or work with persons with disabilities
Trained 3 to 5, and a maximum of 10 mentors or future mentors for assessment, reception, adjustment of workplace, support of PWD, and communication with PWD.
4. Active participation in the campaign to ensure the availability of sustainable and adapted tourism:
– participants: partners, associated partners, collaborators: Association of private renters of the City of Opatija, Hotel Hilton Costabella, TZ Rijeka
Association of Tourist Guides Kvarner, Association of Private Renters City of Rijeka, Company for creating QR codes; Tourist boards: TZ Rijeka, Opatija, PGC
Adapted text for persons with disabilities:
a) About capacities: level of architectural adaptation, visual, communication adaptation
b) Assignment of accessibility marks
preparation of the assessment element – collected data according to criteria for several degrees of adaptability – assessment by experts and PWDs in a language adapted for PWDs; created QR code, assigned codes for tourist facilities;
“The content of this publication is the sole responsibility of the Association and does not necessarily reflect the position of the Ministry of Tourism and Sports”.
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