Tourism for me
Volunteer Action in Wenzelova 2 (Part 2)

Volunteer Action in Wenzelova 2 (Part 2)

  • 22.01.2022

Volunteer Action No. 2 – painting of our new HOME

Today, on August 1st, 2020, at 37 degrees, we continued painting our new home at the Wenzelova 2 street. Besides the master painters, Dževad and Amir from Obrt Dževad Osojkić, we were helped by one dad and aunt volunteer, from the Green Kastav fair, and a team from the Followers of Jesus Christ Latter Days Saints in Rijeka – great people who serve others! Even though we met for the first time, the synergy was established, so they got down to business as if it were their own place. These are people from the US and Germany, who have been at the disposal of many people in need from Rijeka for quite some time now! We are definitely going to see each other again in the next few days, but also at our opening celebration. Anamarija’s mom and dad surprised us with a rich brunch and juices so today was really magical.

Thank you all! See you soon as the action continues!

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