Tourism for me
What did we do last week? March 13th – 17th

What did we do last week? March 13th – 17th

  • 17.03.2023


We started the week by going to the Zeleni Kastav fair. We have refreshed our range of handicrafts with wooden key hangers and Easter arrangements.

On Tuesday, it was time to visit the Sugar Palace. Today’s museum, which spans two floors, represents the former sugar refinery that was responsible for the beginning of the industrialization and development of the city of Rijeka.

We dedicated Wednesday to an IT activity, at which the DIP members learned how to make a table in Word in two ways; we also solved a crossword puzzle to remember the parts of a computer.

Thursday was dynamic! In the creative activity, we used plastic spoons to make a peacock. After creative expression, we threw ourselves into a musical drumming activity.

We rounded off the week with our Zoom tea party. This Friday, our Mia led Zoom where she opened the topic of “friendship”.

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