Tourism for me
What did we do last week? April 10th – 14th, 2023

What did we do last week? April 10th – 14th, 2023

  • 14.04.2023

On Tuesday, we dedicated ourselves to working in our eco garden in Viškovo, and its arrangement. By working in the garden, our members improve their gardening skills and abilities, which are very much needed for their future employment – gardening and maintenance of public areas are one of the frequent jobs where persons with disabilities are employed.

We spent the middle of the week sewing. Did you know that besides hand sewing with a needle and thread, our “DIP” members are also skilled on sewing machines?

On Thursday, we celebrated Borna’s 31st birthday and had a musical drumming activity. Our Borna always surprises us with imaginative and creative birthday cakes – this year’s is certainly no exception.

We concluded the week with our Zoom tea party. We talked about conflicts and ways to resolve them. Our new volunteer Matea joined.

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