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Promotion and presentation of “the Irrationalist”, the first Rijeka-based comic book almanac, at the Scream festival

Promotion and presentation of “the Irrationalist”, the first Rijeka-based comic book almanac, at the Scream festival

  • 15.09.2023

In June, the first Rijeka comic book almanac, the Irrationalist, was printed, which represents the cultural product of the work of authors at the First and Second Kvarner Colony of Authors’ Comics and Illustrations, 2021-2022. On Thursday, September 13th, 2023. Finally, “The Irrationalist” was presented at home, in Rijeka, at the Scream, the Rijeka book fair, and the authors’ festival.

Before the Scream, the dedicated editorial team presented the first two issues of the almanac “Irrationalist” at comics festivals throughout Croatia.

  1. The first promotion was held in Šibenik, at the Supertoon festival of animated films, from July 25th to 28th, 2023 The promoter was Matija Pisačić, who participates in the festival and is a member of the editorial board.

  2. The second promotion was held in Motovun, at the Comic Book Week from, the 11th to the 18th of August. 2023, in the Artipolis gallery, the promoter was Damir Stojnić, a member of the editorial board

  3. The third promotion will be held at the OHOHO festival of comics and street art, in Zagreb,, from September 21st to 24th, 2023, the promoters are Matija Pisačić, Damir Steinfl and Damir Stojnić.

  4. The fourth promotion will take place at the 8th Mostar comic book weekend, from September 30th to October 1st, 2023, the promoter will be Matija Pisačić.

  5. In October, the promotion will be held at the Academy of Applied Arts in Rijeka, promoted by a member of the editorial board and professor at the Academy, Damir Stojnić.

The Irrationalist is an almanac, or a printed edition of the works of comics authors and authors created at our first and second Kvarner colony of author comics and illustrations in Rijeka, organized by the DIP, Rijeka. The editorial board consisting of Damir Steinfl, who is also the artistic director of the Colony, Damir Stojnić, and Matija Pisačić, carefully selected the works and collected them in two issues of this printed edition. On Thursday, September 13th, 2023, we presented the Irrationalist at the Scream festival, and explained what it is and what it represents for the comics scene.…/na-vrisku-predstavlen-prvi…/.

The Kvarner Colony of Authors’ Comics and Illustrations is co-financed by Primorsko-Goranska County, the Department of Culture, Sports and Technical Culture, in the program of public needs in culture. Since 2020, the PGC has recognized the value of this model of work and the encouragement of creativity and original comics. Another promotion is being prepared at the Rijeka Academy of Applied Arts (APURI), accompanied by an exhibition of works so that the audience can continue to see what this great team is doing.

All these activities are part of the program of the Third Kvarner Colony of Authors’ Comics and Illustrations, which runs from the beginning of 2023. Following is the press conference announcing the meeting of “comic book colonists” that will be held at the DIP, at Wenzelova 2 Street, in the first week of November 2023. Thanks to the Scream for the opportunity to introduce ourselves and thanks to the audience for listening carefully. Thank you all for your support.


Scream – 1. Novi list, September 13th, 2023

  1. Moja Rijeka, September 13th, 2023

  1. Index, September 13th, 2023

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