Tourism for me


Decorating the new place (Part 3)

Decorating the new place (Part 3)

  • 29.08.2020
During the past week, from August 24th to 28th, we assembled, checked and adjusted all of our things, made shelves, readjusted screws and made cutting works – it was a lot of work for all of us. This week, missionaries from the Followers of Jesus Christ, Church of Latter-Day Saints in Rijeka, elders and sisters from […]
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Decorating the new place (Part 2)

Decorating the new place (Part 2)

  • 18.08.2020
Today, on August 18th, we continued with decoration activities in the DIP, and with preparing our new space in Wenzelova 2 for work. 💪💪💪💪 We are working at full capacity; unpacking, rearranging, drilling and cleaning, so that everything is ready for work with our DIP members. Although we are very much tired, we are also […]
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Decorating the new place (Part 1)

Decorating the new place (Part 1)

  • 17.08.2020
Today, on August 17th, 2020, we started with assembling, rearranging, and arranging new space. Discarded furniture, materials, and archives need to be arranged and all this is in the capable hands of our young volunteers, because when you work in the civil sector, you do not ask who a psychologist or artist, computer scientist or […]
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Volunteer Action in Wenzelova 2 (Part 4)

Volunteer Action in Wenzelova 2 (Part 4)

  • 11.08.2020
Moving day… Almost done! From 7 A.M. when we booked a place in the busiest part of our city, the market, till 4.30 pm with the help from a lot of people with good will, in the extreme heat and sun, and with all the problems we had, we moved the DIP.  The people who […]
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Volunteer Action in Wenzelova 2 (Part 3)

Volunteer Action in Wenzelova 2 (Part 3)

  • 06.08.2020
Today, on August 6th, we were really active doing the big cleaning action in DIP’s new space, in Wenzelova Street. Thanks to everyone who came and helped, you were great! We have done a lot and now we are ready for the moving day on Tuesday. Great job, DIP members, and dad Mirko!
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Volunteer Action in Wenzelova 2 (Part 1)

Volunteer Action in Wenzelova 2 (Part 1)

  • 31.07.2020
Volunteer action in DIP – students, parents and socially responsible entrepreneurs (Part 1) After the preparations for the tender for the lease of the space of the City of Rijeka, we finally auctioned for the the best and most appropriate space in the City of Rijeka, at the moment. On July 9th, 2020, we have […]
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  • Društvo za istraživanje i potporu je korisnik institucionalne podrške Nacionalne zaklade za razvoj civilnoga društva za stabilizaciju i/ili razvoj udruge.