Greeting card

Greeting card

  • 24.05.2021
  • Uncategorized


We’re proud and grateful for all of our volunteers, without whom we couldn’t have made it through 2020.


55 volunteers, between the ages of 12 to 60, volunteered throughout the whole year or occasionally with altogether 3100 hours of volunteer work, from moving to painting, installing and repairing the air conditioner, supporting the DIP members while they work, harvesting lavender, picking up litter, cleaning and washing the dishes…Every hour of volunteering spent on us, makes us better and greater. The report is ready to be made, certificates of volunteering have been handed to the volunteers, as well as the acknowledgements for everyone who in some way supported us. The only way to build “a community that cares” is by doing it together. Thank you everyone.


Thank you for being with us this year – be with us in 2021.


Thank you for building with us “a community that cares”! We wish you peaceful and joyful holidays and a solidary, happy 2021 spent in the embrace of your loved ones!

Love from the DIP team!




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