Tourism for me
World through my eyes 2 – June 2nd, 2023 – We went to see the exhibit of Dominik T’s works, from the Center for Rehabilitation, in the National Reading Room

World through my eyes 2 – June 2nd, 2023 – We went to see the exhibit of Dominik T’s works, from the Center for Rehabilitation, in the National Reading Room

  • 08.06.2023

Exhibit of the works of Dominik T., from the Rehabilitation Center, Rijeka, was opened in the National Reading Room on June 2nd, 2023. This exhibit aims to sensitize the public of the need for support and inclusion in the community of persons with disabilities, highlighting their potential. We thank Dominik for sharing his world with us. Our members talked with the participants, the director of the Center, Iva Letina, and Tea Rubeša, an advisor from the Office of the Ombudsman for Persons with Disabilities in Rijeka, met Dominik and other participants, and established a new circle of acquaintances. We really liked it, so we hope to see future collaborations in this direction.

Rijeka Rehabilitation Center is our new partner in the continuation of the three-year program, Friends Daycare Center. We hope for excellent cooperation in improving the quality of the social services we provide, mutual support, cooperation in solving the common challenges we face as social service providers.

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