Tourism for me
What did we do last week? March 27th – 31st

What did we do last week? March 27th – 31st

  • 31.03.2023


We devoted Monday to working on the computer, so we repeated what we had learned in the past month. We talked about devices for external data storage – we singled out a USB that we learned to use and safely disconnect from the computer! We ended the day with our Story Room.

On Tuesday, we visited our friends from the Heart Association, we held a group for psychosocial support for our members – we talked about “Trust”, after which we did an exercise to “test” the mutual trust of our members. After the Story Room, we decorated the glasses using the decoupage technique. DIP’s expert team of psychologists provides individual and group support to our members and their parents on a weekly basis.

The middle of the week was reserved for volunteer activities: our volunteer Lucija held a musical activity for us, and volunteer Danijela helped us make Easter cards for each other.

On Thursday, we had a musical drumming activity, after which we devoted ourselves to tidying up and cleaning the DIP. We can really see the progress our members achieved through music therapy: fine motor skills, concentration, retention of attention and communication have improved. Also, there is visible progress in mastering the drumming technique, which indirectly contributes to the person’s sense of self-confidence.

We ended the week with our Zoom tea party. We talked about April 1 – Joke Day; which jokes are appropriate, and which are not!

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