Tourism for me
What did we do last week? March 20th – 24th

What did we do last week? March 20th – 24th

  • 24.03.2023


This Monday, our volunteer Dajana conducted the activity of making magnets out of clay, using plant embossing. We also had an IT activity. Working with clay has many benefits: it is a kind of “anti-stress therapy”, it is good for relaxation and improves motor skills of fingers and hands.

We dedicated Tuesday to finishing the unfinished business! We painted the magnets, finished the peacock made of plastic spoons, coated the figurines with a protective layer for DIP’s game and repaired the instruments. We walked to the Terminal and took advantage of the sunny weather, and ended the day with our Story Room.

In the middle of the week, we tidied up and cleaned the DIP area. It is of great importance to develop work habits of cleaning and maintaining the space in which we regularly stay – this is the first step towards independence.

On Thursday, in addition to the musical drumming activity, we also spent part of the time in the fresh air. At DIP, we place great emphasis on physical activity, so we carry out various recreational activities: Nordic walking, sports activities, walks, etc.

We rounded off the week with our Zoom tea party. This Friday we touched on the topic of “Love and infatuation” and demarcated those two terms.


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