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A round table was held as part of the public campaign “Life in the community” of the project ” Going through life together “.

A round table was held as part of the public campaign “Life in the community” of the project ” Going through life together “.

  • 28.04.2022
Okrugli stol 27.3.2022. Zajednički kroz život Yesterday, April 27th, 2022, the Association of Youth Associations of the Primorsko-goranska County (SUMA) held a round table as part of the public campaign “Life in the Community”, the project “Together through Life”, on the topic of inclusive social services in the community – to meet new challenges. The […]
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Adaptation of sanitary facilities

Adaptation of sanitary facilities

  • 21.04.2022
We have officially started works on the adaptation of the sanitary facilities! The campaign to collect funds for the adaptation is still not over, you can donate to our account HR7123600001102394295, with the indication “donation for the toilet”. We would like to thank everyone who contributed to our work with their donations – the citizens, […]
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Rights Initiative and Alert: Letter to Legislators and Decision Makers: Urgent Changes to Derogatory and Offensive Terminology for Persons with Disabilities and Children with Developmental Difficulties

Rights Initiative and Alert: Letter to Legislators and Decision Makers: Urgent Changes to Derogatory and Offensive Terminology for Persons with Disabilities and Children with Developmental Difficulties

  • 02.03.2022
We are tired of being addressed with derogatory, outdated and stigmatizing terms; we are persons like everyone else; we are not disabled people – we are persons with disabilities and/or difficulties. We have sent a letter to authorities with jurisdiction, for an urgent amendment of the law, in which, more than 20 years since Croatia […]
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The fourth educational lecture on “Strategies and the national equalization plan for persons with disabilities”

The fourth educational lecture on “Strategies and the national equalization plan for persons with disabilities”

  • 23.02.2022
Having finished with the activities at the DIP, we ended the day with the 4th educational lecture held by the Center for Inclusive Work Activities. The topic of today’s lecture was “Strategies and the national plan for equalizing opportunities for persons with disabilities,” as part of the “Active for Inclusion” project. The project is financially […]
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How does the reform of the social welfare system affect us?

How does the reform of the social welfare system affect us?

  • 31.01.2022
  Last week was important for us and our activities, because the Parliament accepted the proposal of the Law on Social Welfare, and with that some of the legal institutes and provisions were partially regulated and harmonized with the practice in the neighboring countries. We still haven’t harmonized the entire legal framework for equalizing opportunities […]
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  • Društvo za istraživanje i potporu je korisnik institucionalne podrške Nacionalne zaklade za razvoj civilnoga društva za stabilizaciju i/ili razvoj udruge.