Tourism for me
The 47th organic food and products fair „Zeleni Kastav“ and DIP members

The 47th organic food and products fair „Zeleni Kastav“ and DIP members

  • 07.06.2021
  • Uncategorized

On Monday, 13th of January 2020, we have gathered at Zeleni Kastav to hold an organic food and products fair with the intention of raising both awarness and funds for our countinued  work. We are overjoyed by how well we have been recived by Kastav, the participants and visitors, that we, despite the cold weather, have been participating on a bimonthly basis in this „fair of great food and vibes for nearly a year .

Everybody is welcome to stop by! See you next time on Saturday, 25th of January  2020, from 9:00 AM to 1:00 PM at „the marvellious Fortica“!

What is „Zeleni Kastav?

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