Tourism for me
WHAT DID WE DO LAST WEEK? September 25th – 29th, 2023

WHAT DID WE DO LAST WEEK? September 25th – 29th, 2023

  • 29.09.2023

On Monday, we held a sewing activity where we prepared arms for our Hildas. Did you know that our octopuses are made according to the “recycle-reuse” principle? We celebrated Bruna and Damjan’s birthday with music and dancing!

Tuesday was reserved for going to the Museum of the City of Rijeka “Kockica”, which was organized and financed by Rifat Ramčić (Kraljevica ROBOKRA robotics centre). We visited the exhibition of the Vugrinec collection – Metamorphoses of the figurative (1880-1970), where we had the opportunity to see some of the fundamental works of Croatian modern art. You can read more about the exhibition at…/

On Wednesday, we held the activity at our eco-garden in Viškovo. We dedicated ourselves to cleaning the surface of the garden and removing thorns. Gardening activities have a positive effect on the mobility and motor skills of our members, better orientation in space and general environmental awareness.

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